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How to save a Pages doc to icloud from Macbook?

Easiest: connect your iPad to iTunes. In iTunes, go to the iPads apps tab, scroll down the window to the pane showing the apps which can transfer documents. Click on Pages. Click on Add. Navigate to the document you want to add to Pages.

More tricky: find the Mobile Documents folder in your user library. Drag the document to the appropriate folder. There has been a series of articles on the MacWorld site recently about how to do this.
dougrogers said:
Easiest: connect your iPad to iTunes. In iTunes, go to the iPads apps tab, scroll down the window to the pane showing the apps which can transfer documents. Click on Pages. Click on Add. Navigate to the document you want to add to Pages.

More tricky: find the Mobile Documents folder in your user library. Drag the document to the appropriate folder. There has been a series of articles on the MacWorld site recently about how to do this.

...more tricky is what I'd like to do, but I can't find a folder called mobile documents. I have enabled documents under iCloud settings on my MacBook (running LIon). I even disabled and re-enabled it again...

I see the file locations MacBook/Library, and also MacBook/System/Library, but neither has a folder in it called 'mobile documents'...
dougrogers said:
You know your Go menu in the Finder? It's not there either unless you hold down the option key.

...this is day two on owning a MacBook. I figured out how to do it, and I figured out what this Go thing is, too.
So it still doesn't really work. If I create a test document in pages and save it in mobile documents/com~apple~pages/documents/
Then it shows up on my iPad. But if I open it on my iPad and/or edit it, then back in pages on my MacBook it can't open it anymore...
Its like it's changed it into a different format or something?
Am I supposed to be able to view and edit a pages doc on both my iPad and MacBook?
Thanks for all the help so far.
SouthernAtHeart said:
... But if I open it on my iPad and/or edit it, then back in pages on my MacBook it can't open it anymore...
Its like it's changed it into a different format or something?

Exactly. They are different formats. iCloud documents can be opened in other mobile applications. Document sharing in the cloud is for sharing across mobile devices. If you want to edit the mobile document on your Mac, you need to export from the iPad app through iTunes, export the the mobile doc to your iDisk, or email the document to yourself from the app.

Save a document from your Mac to your iDisk, and the iDisk app on your iPad will open it in the appropriate app.

Also you can use Dropbox. You'll need an app like Dropbox, or Goodreader to manage the documents on the device side.
You don't have to go thru all of that. If you have the iCloud control panel installed on your computer just click on the little gear in the top right hand corner and click on upload doc and presto it's in the cloud on all of your I devices.
Bluesjam has it right, but needs a little clarification.

1. Create document on macbook in Pages.
2. under files click save a version.
3. Open Safari and go to iCloud website.
4. Click on iWorks icon on web page.
5. Open Pages folder on web page.
6. Click on the little gear at the top right of the page.
7. Click on upload document.
8. Locate Document and upload it.
9. Document will upload to iPad next time you open Pages app on iPad. It won't look like the original until it is opened in Pages app on the iPad.
10. Open it and you are ready to go.

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