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How to save a photo?

Micro image

iPF Noob
Noob question, I know, but I did search, promise!

Viewing a web page, tapping a pic brings up three choices, copy, select and select all.

iPad help mentions a save function, but how do I get to that?
What bowser are you using? With Safari (which a rarely use) and Atomic (which I use the other 99.9% of the time), when I tap on an image, one of the choices is to save the image.
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Sorry I did tap and hold. I don't get a save option, only copy, select and select all.

Am using Safari browser
That's peculiar...
I get, Open, Open in New Page, Save Image and Copy. That's by just putting a finger on the image and holding for two, three seconds.

Do you get the same response on every image or just specific ones? Some may be locked?

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