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How to stop web site pop ups and stop web page storage


iPF Noob
I frequently het un asked for web pages. Usually for ads of some sort. Is there a way to prevent this?
Next, is there a way to prevent retaining web pages as shown in tabs at the top of the screen.

You guidance will be very much appreciated.
...is there a way to prevent retaining web pages as shown in tabs at the top of the screen...
Even if Safari is disabled in iCloud, it will remember the tabs you opened when you used it, unless the app crashes or you close all the tabs.

To close them all at once, there are two possibilities:
In Safari, open a new tab and tap "Private" (bottom left). A popup will give you the option to close all tabs:


Turn off Private Browsing afterwards.

In Settings, go to Safari and clear History, Cookies and Data. This will also close tabs.

Maybe this thread will help with your other question: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-gene...gusted-obscene-ads-popping-up-my-new-air.html
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