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How to sync without erasing apps?


iPF Noob
Hi ...

I used to sync my iPad with my home Windows 7 PC. Unfortunately, the machine was formatted without anything that I can recover.

Now, I would like to update it to iOS 5. However, by doing this, I will lost all my apps and apps data.

Is there any way I can re-sync it with a new computer? Whatever way. Jailbreak or hacking. I am willing to try. Thank you.

Best regards from,
Best I've been able to come up with:

Here is Apple's recommendations on how to transfer all your stuff to a new iPhone. With a few modifications it works very well for moving your iPad to a new computer. Wish I could find one as well written for the actual task.

iOS: How to back up your data and set up as a new device

Start by going into iTunes Preferences (before connecting the iPad) and turning off auto-sync. It is under the Devices tab. This will prevent any unwanted syncing before you are ready.

Do only the parts that apply to your information/situation (i.e.; if you are syncing contacts with Google, don't do the Personal Information Manager part. Stop when you get to the Restore step.

It would be wise, after the Transfer Purchases option to go through iTunes and make sure everything (media, app, book) got transferred. If not you may have a few more steps to insure all your stuff gets safely backed up on the computer.

NOTE: If you have picture albums in the Photos app, and they are not backed up somewhere other than the iPad, you need to save them first before doing anything else. The first sync will remove them. The PhotoSync app works well for this, and you can use it before starting any of the other procedures.

The quality of the pictures recovered this way will probably not match the originals. iTunes optimizes photos for viewing on the iPad when it syncs them.
Thanks for your reply. Will this works with MacBook Air that's already sync with multiple iOS devices? I already done the Transfer Purchase step...
If all the iOS devices use the same Apple ID, it should work fine. If you try to manage several Apple ID's in the same library, and it will work, but can become a bit confusing when it comes time to update apps; since each app will only update when you are logged on with the Apple ID that was used to purchase it. You'll also need to authorize the computer (under the Store menu) for each account.

To keep Apple ID's separate, create a new user on the MacBook Air and use (sign in with) it when updating the odd iOS device. The MacBook will maintain a separate iTunes library for each user on the computer.

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