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How to transfer AT&T unlimited data plan


iPF Noob
I am thinking about selling my ipad 1 64gb 3G with the AT&T unlimited data plan to fund my upgrade to iPad 2. Does anyone know how much they are going for currently?

Would it be possible for me to sell the att data plan alone without the iPad? How would that work?

Please advise, thanks
No can do

Just close out that plan and reinitiate it on the new iPad2. The plan is a personal contract between you and AT&T.
I would be very cautious with that advise. Since there is no longer an unlimited plan I'd check with AT&T first before canceling the plan.
I think you guys got the OP wrong, I read it as he's wanting to get some $ out of transferring his unlimited plan to a new user (along with the sale of the ipad) so he can get more $ out of the sale.
Why even do that? I wouldn't sell the unlimited data plan to anyone else cuz that's priceless..lol. Just transfer it over to the ipad2. That is possible. Reason I say this is because I've already just recently went to the AT&T store asking similar questions. I have an old win mo tilt smartphone and about to upgrade to the new Samsung Atrix. The worlds first Tegra2 dual core smartphone, running at 1Ghz per core. Dual cams, 4in. Screen, and Android as the OS. The rep said I will always have my grandfathered in unlimited data plan unless "I specially tell them I want to be grandfathered out" which I will NEVER do...lol. So he said all it would be is a sim card swap between the phones n I'm good to go. I can't wait to get it.
Oh I was half asleep when I was reading it lol. Yeah I got the iPhone 4 as a secondary before Verizon's announced the iPhone. I was stuck with the 2gb plan. One day I decided to call them and told them that we all know verizon is getting the iPhone and I wouldn't mind paying the termination fee. Because 2gb is retarded. So they put me on hold for 10 mins, next thing you know I have unlimited data. That was easy. But it's a priceless thing to have. I hope they don't get rid of the grandfathered plans when the iPhone 5 releases.
They not gonna get rid of it, that's the only thing holding long term customers, like myself into staying with them. They eliminate it, I'm gone! Lol
Actually at@t service is decent/good in the area. The network is still congested with the millions of iPhone users. At@t never would've thought so many people would be bogging down their data network...lol. That's why they stop unlimited data plans, unless u grandfathered in and now they trying to crack down on mostly iPhone users who tether w/o tethering plan.

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