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how to transfer video I shot with ipad 2 to my mac?

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iPF Noob
Hi All,
I have done a quick search of the forums and google but can't seem to find a way to get my shot videos "off" the ipad and onto my imac? I am a longtime mac user but can't seem to see how it's done.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Transferring to the Mac is super easy. Connect your iPad to Mac via USB. Then go to your applications folder and start Image Capture. All the photos and video you took on your device can be copied from there.
rozen said:
iPad to Mac transfer is the need of time. If you want to keep your video files secure then you must have to transfer them to some safe and secure location. In order to transfer iPad data to your Mac system you can try iPad inbuilt tool i.e. iTune. But personally I will not advice you to use this tool because you have to face a lot of problem with this utility. So the best way of transfer is to use any popular iPad to Pc transfer software.

I think that this is the perfect solution to transfer your iPad video file to Mac system.

Why do I think this is spam........calling all spam police!

The Archangel
This thread is so full of spam.

To import from the iPad no extra software is needed. Just connect the ipad to the Mac, open iPhoto, select the iPad from the panel on then left and than either Import All, or Import Selected.

If that still leaves questions unanswered, than Apple has detailed instructions including pictures of how to import images & videos onto the Mac:
just google search How to Transfer Music/Video from iPad 2 to PC/Mac/iPhone/iPod and Vice Versa

you will find a step by step gudie on how to transfer video from ipad 2 to your mac
Transferring video shot with iPad 2 to mac[/URL] is super easy. Connect your iPad 2 to Mac with USB. Then go to your applications folder and start Image Capture. All the photos and video you took on your device can be copied from there.
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