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How to upgrade iOS 4.3.2 to 5.0.1 OR 5.0 OR 4.3.3? PLEASE HELP!


iPF Noob
Have an iPad 2 (32 GB, 3G + Wifi) with iOS 4.3.2. Need to upgrade to either iOS 4.3.3 OR iOS 5.0 OR iOS 5.0.1 (so that I can jailbreak my iPad with JailbreakMe OR Absinthe respectively). Apple just launched iOS 5.1 and it seems that is the only iOS iTunes has to offer. Tried using option+click for iOS 4.3.3 ipsw but since Apple is not signing the same, I can't upgrade to iOS 4.3.3. Can anyone please suggest possible solutions to resolve this issue?

You cannot install 4.3.3 on your iPad2 without saved SHSH Blobs and Apple stopped providing them for 4.3.3 back in June 2011. There is no way to get them now if you didn't save them back then.
With IOS 5.x there is no way to install any previous version of a 5.x firmware on an iPad2. You can only install the "current" version which is 5.1 today.
I'm afraid you've come too late to the party and there is nothing you can do but update to 5.1 and wait patiently for a new jailbreak which will likely take several months to develop and release.
besterlinks said:
Should I upgrade to iOS 5.1 now that I don't have a choice?

The choice is yours of course, but I can't think of any advantage of having an iPad on 4.3.2 today.
You could try downloading a custom ipsw 5.0.1 and then in iTunes if you have a Mac hit control + restore and on a windows shift + restore and then search for the ipsw and restore it to 5.0.1 and see if that works but if it doesn't I would just upgrade and wait for the jailbreak.

Hope this works.
owensky said:
You could try downloading a custom ipsw 5.0.1 and then in iTunes if you have a Mac hit control + restore and on a windows shift + restore and then search for the ipsw and restore it to 5.0.1 and see if that works but if it doesn't I would just upgrade and wait for the jailbreak.

Hope this works.

It won't work. You cannot install custom firmwares on the iPad2. There is no bootrom exploit to enable it to be installed.
Yup, f4780y is correct. Tried the ipsw method. Doesnt work. Guess I was a bit too late in this cat mouse race of timing your iOS upgrade and jailbreak ;). Huh...

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