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Howdy from Texas!


iPF Noob
Just wanted to say howdy and thanks for this forum! I'm looking forward to learning more and enjoying the community here as well.

My iPad is my 1st Apple device, so of course I now have a couple of iPods and a MacBook Pro....What a change from the other OS.

Anyway, I found this forum while looking for some bluetooth help. I bought one of those HP OfficeJet 470 wireless/bluetooth printers but my iPad just won't see it. I'm sure I'll find plenty of help in here. So thanks and Happy New Year!

Hi Greg:
(hope the moderators don't mind a not iPad question) does your HP printer work with macbook and win 7? I have not tried to send print from my iPad to a printer. There must be persons on this forum that know how to do so.

P.S. "Howdy" is a western Canadian expresion not u.all
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Hello Bruce, thanks for the welcome and reply.

Yes, the printer works and prints via Bluetooth from my Mac.

In reviewing some of the forum posts here, I think the iPad Bluetooth function won't discover just any device. Hopefully AirPrint will work soon, but I don't have a network at the golf course and really need Bluetooth at this time.

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