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iPF Noob
New member to the IPad Forum.

Hello from New Orleans. Name's Dave (aka Noodles). Been observing the forum here off and on for a few weeks now and happy to announce that I am now a member. Looks like a great place to be that has quite a bit of valuable IPad info on apps, advice, suggestions, hints, tips, tricks, etc. As far as my own IPad "history" is concerned, I bought an Ipad2 64gb/WiFi/3G for my daughter for Xmas 2011, then traded it in for a great price March 16 to upgrade to the NEW IPad. Yeah...I know it sounds like a real nutty thing to have done, but knowing the history of my daughter and the electronic/computer based products she's had in the past, I knew sooner or later, it would end up being used more by "papa" then by her, which it has. When I upgraded, it was for the same version: 64/WiFi/4G. Anyway, that's my IPad story, and happy to be aboard!
Hi Noodles-such a wonderful dad you are to upgrade your daughter's iPad for her. Great intro about yourself and glad to see that you finally joined. I hope you learn a lot about your iPad here on this forum and enjoy the friendliness of our members.

Welcome to the iPadForum! This Forum offers so much information related to the iPad (original-New), Acessories, Apps, Help, and Apple News.

The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. This is a wonderful area to "find" members from your own country.
Regional iPad Groups

If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0 and 5.1:
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5 by Apple Inc.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

Finally, please read the rules!

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