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HP iPAQ to iPad??


iPF Novice
My wife and I have used a HP iPAQ for years. Mine finally went zonkers and we are just waiting for hers to ...

She has used her PDA for Microsoft Reader, ListPro lists (shopping, book lists, reference lists, and so on), Outlook Calendar/Contacts/Notes/Tasks, sometimes Word/Excel, Dictionary, and Games (Soduko, Poker, and so on). She has never used Apple (including iTunes) software, only Windows. She does a little Windows computer sfuff (has her own computer with IE, Thunderbird, and so on) but depends on me for most configuration and maintenance items.

I used mine about the same way with a couple of additional apps. The last time I did anything with Apple software was when I looked at the first Apples. However, I am heavy into photography now (including Lightroom and Photoshop). I do not see the iPad playing any significant role other than maybe viewing some photos.

I have not been a fan of iTunes over the years, but if one is to use an iPad, one must use iTunes. We do use an iPod sometimes.

All of this brings me to a few questions.

  1. Will my wife be comfortable hauling around an iPad as a replacement for the iPAQ (it is her shopping list at the grocery store)?
  2. How much of learning curve struggle will she (and myself) be facing?
  3. We share a laptop with Vista and have our own ids. Can we both use iTunes to sync our individual iPads without inference?
  4. I have heard that iOS 4.3 is due out soon. Will it be a major task to upgrade?
  5. I have heard that iPad 2 will be a significant improvement, but may not be out for another year or so. Will a lot of users change to the iPad 2?
  6. I have heard that iOS 4.2 caused major problems with the camera kit. Is that true and has it been resolved?
  7. A third party 3-in-1 card reader is available which is suppose to allow one to read CF cards - does it work? Can one transfer files to/from the 3-in-1 reader without using iTunes?
  8. I have read that a external hard drive that uses the camera kit exists? Does it work?
This intro got a bit longer than I anticipated. However, this is a major move for us in terms of cost, time, and energy. We would like to have an idea of what we are facing and wanted to take advantage of the significant amount of expertise on the board. We appreciate your assistance (BTW, my wife will most likely get her own ID here should we get iPads).

Thank you,

Mike & Mary
Transition ipaq -> ipad


I just saw your post, and I'm in the same situation more or less. I got the ipad (wifi only) after seeing at what incredible pace the so called 'apps' were appearing. I'm still using my old ipaq h5550 with power pack (I use it as an emergency cell phone with a Sierra 750 PC card, and as GPS with a Garmin cfQue).

The ipad is seamlessly integrated with email, you just add almost any email account and it works!
If I remember correctly, all the content is synced with itunes, so I don't think you can use it as a general purpose computer like the ipaq. For that there are Windows Mobile devices.

I'd say the ipad is about the apps, and nothing else.
Well, moving from an iPaq to an iPad is going to be a major difference in size for sure. One thing I loved about my PPC was being able to slip it in my pocket so I could have easy access to it everywhere, To that end, I went from a HP PDA to an iPod Touch and I couldn't have been happier. The Touch is just as portable if not more so and it can perform all of the same functions and more.

I also have an iPad, but if I had to give up one device or the other I would keep the Touch and get rid of the iPad in a heartbeat. I am not going to carry my iPad to the store to use lists and unless I want to start wearing a backpack everywhere I go chances are the iPad is going to stay at home.

As far as the list goes:

(1) I would say no unless she has a large purse
(2) Almost no learning curve at all. If you can handle a PPC this will be a breeze
(3) Yes, no problem but your apps will be separate (no sharing)
(4) Upgrades are very easy. It is all handled through iTunes and requires all of one click
(5) Lots of people will upgrade because they like to have the latest and greatest. I think this will be an incremental upgrade and the real neat stuff will come with gen 3
(6) Apple lowered the power supplied to the docking port which created some issues. I wouldn't hold my breath that it will be changed.
(7) Not sure about that one
(8) Because of #6, using a hard drive or USB stick is much more difficult and to really get the benefits you needed a jailbreak anyhow. There are a couple of third party wireless devices that work but with VERY limited functionality. Don't count on getting more usable storage than what you get built-in. Apple makes a lot of money by selling larger capacity devices. They aren't going to give you a way to easily expand your usable capacity.
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