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I agreed to an update... can I reverse it?

Sep 22, 2013
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United Kingdom
Good afternoon, Absolute Beginner really does sum me up. My son gave me an iPad mini, incredibly generous, and I'm still very much getting to grips with it. This afternoon I had an Apple message on it to update to , I think, Ios7? Does that make sense? It sounded like a technical necessity so I pressed Yes. I wish I hadn't. All the icons have changed, not for the better, and seem to be larger (example, News stand icon was a nice wood news stand - now it looks like a blurb in primary colours) there's a grey band across the base with the home icons on, and when I go onto the web from it all the background colours have gone and it's a very aggressive white, if that makes sense. Made my eyes water quite quickly! I've tried resetting the brightness and contrast from the settings menu and it's improved a bit, but not much.
Is there anything I can do to get the previous set up back, or is this a lesson learned the hard way never to press yes to updates?
All help gratefully received.
Good afternoon, Absolute Beginner really does sum me up. My son gave me an iPad mini, incredibly generous, and I'm still very much getting to grips with it. This afternoon I had an Apple message on it to update to , I think, Ios7? Does that make sense? It sounded like a technical necessity so I pressed Yes. I wish I hadn't. All the icons have changed, not for the better, and seem to be larger (example, News stand icon was a nice wood news stand - now it looks like a blurb in primary colours) there's a grey band across the base with the home icons on, and when I go onto the web from it all the background colours have gone and it's a very aggressive white, if that makes sense. Made my eyes water quite quickly! I've tried resetting the brightness and contrast from the settings menu and it's improved a bit, but not much. Is there anything I can do to get the previous set up back, or is this a lesson learned the hard way never to press yes to updates? All help gratefully received.
The signing window for iOS 6.1.3 closed on Friday, there's no way to downgrade. I'm afraid that you're stuck on iOS 7.
Oh dear, that'll teach me not to press 'yes' to things that look vaguely technical without knowing what they mean. Thanks for that, I'd better just get used to it then - can I ask you what iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 7 mean? I'm assuming they are different versions like Windows 7 and 8? (told you I was an Absolute Beginner).
Oh dear, that'll teach me not to press 'yes' to things that look vaguely technical without knowing what they mean. Thanks for that, I'd better just get used to it then - can I ask you what iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 7 mean? I'm assuming they are different versions like Windows 7 and 8? (told you I was an Absolute Beginner).
They're software versions for iPad. In a way, it's like Windows 7 and 8.
I heard we can unlock our iPads to get back 3d icons but warranty affected, any apps to get back swipe open screen and icons, thx in advance, mike

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