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I am looking into getting a tablet and I love the iPad, but my computer uses Windows7


iPF Noob
How compatible is the iPad really?

I need to be able to sync with Outlook or some other email client.

I need to be able to easily transfer documents from Word and Excel and PDF's in editable form back and forth, to sync them.

I love iPad's scheduling and media capabilities. The Android's scheduling software is complete crap. I love the weight of the iPad compared with its speed and functionality. So I really am in love with the iPad, I just need these things to work on both.

Thanks for your help.
I'm pretty sure you can use the stock Mail App for you email.

You can use Dropbox (free on both iPad and computer) for transferring files back and fourth.

The Archangel
Hi WingSong!

I have Windows XP with itunes installed-have no problem using it to sync back and forth. I have been doing a WiFI sync since iOS5 came out in October.

I use Outlook for my Work email, calendar and Contacts. Our It department gave us all the information regarding domain etc. It was not difficult to do. All events scheduled at work-automatically syncs to my droid phone and ipad.

I just purchased Pages which is compatible with Word. Just bought it yesterday so I could edit a document for a meeting. Loaded up the doc on Pages, did my editing and than sent it as a word doc via my Gmail account. Opened up at work on my Windows PC--no problem with compatiblity. Sent it to staff--no problem.

Pages gives you the option to send as a PDF or a Word doc-which is helpful if you want to keep the doc "locked."

Hope that helped!
I've very new to iOS (like 2 weeks) so take what I say with some salt...but here is what I've learned so far...Exchange works on iOS so just ask your IT department for all the information you'll need to set it up. I'm in the process of getting mine going. For documents, there are many ways to get files over: Goodreader works with iTunes to transfer them directly to the iPad...plus allows you to choose which app to open them in. Dropbox of course works...however if you hurry & use your Android device download the Box app & create an account...they are giving away 50GB of space to new users! That is AWESOME! I used my Acer Iconia A500 Android tablet to create the account (not sure if they are giving it away to ALL new users?)...Box works similar to Dropbox.

Office apps: as mentioned there are Pages, Numbers & Keynote for MS Office needs...or you can go with Documents to Go that will do that plus PDF's. iBooks will open PDF's but if you need to Annotate the PDF's there are MANY apps that will do that...just choose your flavor.

For scheduling I use Google Calender since it meets my needs. Then in the iPad I used my Gmail account as an Exchange account to bring in all my contacts and calendar...it worked very well.

Like you said...android does some things well & iPad others. I like using both & find myself going back & forth. I wish the 2 companies could join hands & create the ULTIMATE OS!! It would put Windows out of business!
I just bought an IPAD 2, and use an android phone, and also have the Acer Iconia A500, which I use, but not enough... I want to use GOOGLE calendar, and Contacts... how to I SYNC the IPAD to do this so all my devices (phone, PC, android, IOS) have the same calendar and contacts?
I just bought an IPAD 2, and use an android phone, and also have the Acer Iconia A500, which I use, but not enough... I want to use GOOGLE calendar, and Contacts... how to I SYNC the IPAD to do this so all my devices (phone, PC, android, IOS) have the same calendar and contacts?

I don't have time to find it right now but there is a thread that shows you how to set your Gmail account up as an Exchange account on the ipad. Works great! When I update my calendar or contacts on the iPad (or vice-Versa) it updates immediately on the other...if you search Gmail on the forum one of the threads will show you how to do it (you could also Google "set up Gmail as Exchange")
I use the Readdle calendar app for syncing with my Google calendar which I can open in any device or computer. I use Quickoffice (have used Office HD for almost two years but it doesn't automatically sync with Dropbox) and Dropbox for docs, spreadsheets, etc and open them in any device, including my Win 7 PC (just install Dropbox on the Win machine). I use the mail client and two email addresses on all devices without any issues. Be sure and add Goodreader which works well for file management, PDFs, etc and is integrated with Dropbox.
I just bought an IPAD 2, and use an android phone, and also have the Acer Iconia A500, which I use, but not enough... I want to use GOOGLE calendar, and Contacts... how to I SYNC the IPAD to do this so all my devices (phone, PC, android, IOS) have the same calendar and contacts?

Hi Grabbit--

I believe that this may help you as well:

Google mail set up for iOS:

Give this a try-let us know if this does not help with what you are asking.

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