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I deleted a app from my iPad

stompy042 said:
Have decided to use this app, but can't figure out how!
From the app store it says downloaded. Any help?

Hi stompy042,
I'm going to step out on a thin limb and presume/assume your title meant that you downloaded an app?
Not sure what you mean by this thread. Do you mean you have a new app and don't know how to utilize it, or that you can't find it after it downloaded?
A bit more info would be awesome, as well the app name.

If you have inadvertently deleted a previously downloaded app, you can simply reinstall it, from the App Store
If truly removed, the app Should have reset the install feature to the Price it's listed as, say Free on the download page, or say Installed if you still have it.

Apple iPad only allows us 11 pages to store our downloaded apps, so perhaps just swipe to the left and find page two?
Aside from that technique of finding wayward apps, if you hold down an app long enough for it to wiggle, and slide/move it over top another app of the same type,
you can create a handy folder which magically becomes automatically named.
Please keep your apps in their proper similarly typed said folders, for you then, they can quite easily be found with much ease, when ever you need them.

Hope that helps you, without my even knowing which apps you are referring to, too.
As it doesn't really matter, they all reside or hide in the same patterns anyway!


Sent from my new iPad 3 using iPF
Last edited:
I believe that you are referring to an app you once downloaded then deleted now wish to reinstall. He this is correct. If so just sync to iTunes then reinstall. If you are syncing to iCloud then after the iPad has synced to iCloud the app will be avalible to redownload again. If this is not helpful please explain further

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