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I have a Jailbroken iPad 1 running 4.2.1. I think it might be time to go to 5.1.1....


iPF Noob
But I am not sure the best way to proceed. I can do this through itunes but I was wondering if there is another and better way as I have the blobs saved with tiny umbrella etc. Will I loose my safari bookmarks when I do this and all the pictures in the photos app?
iOS 5.1.1 is the last iOS for the iPad 1, so you wouldn't need blobs to upgrade it since it's the latest iOS and is still being signed for the iPad 1. Before upgrading, always make a backup of your data using iTunes (to preserve your data like photos and videos and almost all user settings). Once you're backed up, simply restore using iTunes, and once the restore is done, restore from the backup you've made. Make sure you restore in DFU mode to make sure that it goes through flawlessly without any loose ends.
Given that you are running iOS 4.x, you will [most likely] need to put the iPad into DFU mode to upgrade to iOS 5.1.1. The iOS you are on is very old and it may not work to just plug the iPad into iTunes and select restore. You can always try it - the worst that can happen is that the upgrade fails and you have to do a restore (with DFU mode) anyway.

We always suggest jail breakers upgrade using DFU mode because it puts a "fresh" iOS on the iPad. IMNSHO, it makes for a cleaner install of the iOS. As always, however, YMMV.

In case you need it, here's the tutorial (written by my fellow moderator, f4780y) on using DFU mode: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=27489

Good luck and holler back if you need anything.

Thanks but that link explains how to get into DFU mode.
Please explain how I actually upgrade when in DFU mode?
Will all my apps still be on the iPad?
When I went from 3 to 4.2.1 all my apps were still there after the upgrade.
When I let iTunes do this it would not jb so I did the update via the dfu mode them I jb then restored from the backup. Also I didn't realize that restore restores only app data and not the apps. But I was able to restore the apps too and everything of ok now.

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