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I have a scary feeling about this.


iPF Noob
I am investing a lot for the I-pad 2. I have never been a gadget person(definitely not an apple one) but the I-Pad will fit into my core philosophy really well. I am a minimalist- I hate having stuff. To borrow from fight club- the things end up owning you, and I have personal experience with it.

I told my friend that I would use this device for everything from reading, writing to music and knowledge(I am a big space and paleontology buff). I will keep only the I-pad and nothing else with me. He said- what if, heaven forbid, you loose your I-pad? It hit me.

I hate it when I loose my data. I have lost two external hard-drives this way and it only strengthened my belief in not owning anything. I would hate it if all my work, all my notes, all my writings were to be lost due to some reason.

Is there anyway the I-pad could end up blowing in my face- A virus, technical malfunction or any random issue?
Should I still keep a backup of all my files, apps etc on some CD?
You can backup ur data on I-Tunes for the iPad.

As far as losing your iPad. Just be careful. Treat it like a child lol.
First off, don't loose it!

Secondly, could it malfunction, catch a virus or randomly bugger up? No viruses as of yet, and there's as much chance of it randomly assing up as any other technical gadget you have. Saying that, Apple are renowned for their build and stability quality, so it's not likely. But then, it ain't likely you're going to be hit by a bus tomorrow, but it's not impossible.

I use my ipad for home and office work; sales, accounts, invoicing, meeting minutes, client notes etc etc, stuff I certainly don't want to loose. And I download a good few apps every week, so, once a week I back up purchases and back up the iPad system and user data to my iTunes on my pc. Only takes about 2-3 mins, but I've the satisfaction of safety against the unlikely.
I don't see the iPad as ideal for a minimalist. You'll need a pc or Mac for backups....and a keyboard for serious writing...it is relatively expensive, which is definitely, IMO, not minimalist. Better to get a nice laptop.
AQ_OC said:
I don't see the iPad as ideal for a minimalist. You'll need a pc or Mac for backups....and a keyboard for serious writing...it is relatively expensive, which is definitely, IMO, not minimalist. Better to get a nice laptop.

Use a Bluetooth keyboard, there is dropbox, I hate iTunes, for the design quality and reliability it is worth it, why carry an 8 pound laptop when 1 pound ipad will work?
The Cloud is your friend.
Before deciding on whether to take the leap or not look up cloud based apps and see if that helps you feel more at ease about losing your data

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Sent from wherever I'm at right now via my Apple tablet
Using the iPad, a PC, a laptop, it's always about data backup in case of a disaster. With music, movies, personal data, pictures getting all to the digital age, we are now facing a big dilemma: how to make sure that we won't lose anything in the future. This problem is now a major one in our lives, even for government and businesses.

Let's take a picture for example. Last century, you would snap a picture, and send the film to a photo business, and getting back with a hard copy on paper film. That picture could last a 100 years, maybe a 1000 given proper care. No need for special device beside your eyes to see the content. All you need to do is put it in a safe place, have some copies around the world and it could last for generations...

Take the same picture now, with your iPhone device... That picture will die with your iPhone if you leave it there. So we all know that we have to get it out on external storage device and not only one: a hard drive, a cd, in the cloud, etc... So for our lifetime, it is possible to keep that picture for a long time... But what about future generations? A cd will eventually ware off after 10 years. A hard drive will die after 5 to 10 years in general. And what about technology changes? Anyone got a zip drive in their closet that cannot be used anymore on current PC? Or a bunch of floppy disk? And what about the cloud? What if the Internet would collapse in the future? Or more possible, that your cloud service provider will go bankrupt in 10 years? And will it be possible that in a 1000 years that people will know how to decode the content of a jpeg file?

I know, I may go to far in the future, but this is the reality for everyone now, government and businesses included. This is just to keep a copy for one picture... Think about several gigs of data, if not terabytes... We are in the age of trying to keep the information instead of being able of sharing it easily...

So, going back to the original post... ;)

Always check for the weakest link, keep several backups/copies of your data. Never rely on a single backup... Read on Murphy's law, you'll get the idea :)

VicoPad addict!
I believe that the iPad fits quite well into a minimalist philosophy. The backups using iTunes and the cloud that have been suggested should keep your data fairly safe. It's so true about the objects eventually owning us, at least to some extent, but in the end we lose it all anyway. As the man said about the iPad 2: "this is our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price." I say go for it without fear or reservation... I doubt that you will regret it.
grayshark95 said:
Use a Bluetooth keyboard, there is dropbox, I hate iTunes, for the design quality and reliability it is worth it, why carry an 8 pound laptop when 1 pound ipad will work?

You don't need an 8 lb laptop when a 3 lb laptop will work. An iPad is not a real get it done workhorse device.
I've had my iPad for close to a year now, I rarely ever use either of my pc's for any serious work. Whatever isn't done directly on the iPad is handled very easily over VNC. I carry absolutely everything I would need , from a camera with connector kit, to a 2.5" external drive I store a ton of movies on, in a Targus vertical messenger bag. About the only things that need done directly on the pc, at least in my case are the downloading of movies and watching said movies in media center. To those that say it can't be used as a primary computer I say whatever!


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