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i Love iEverything


iPF Noob
i really do love Apple products. i have every iPhone model and now use the 3Gs, several iPods, a Mac Mini, an old G3 and I want to get the new iPad. i think it beats any eReader on the market and you get the rest thrown in for not much more money. Anybody as psyched as i am ?:D
Welcome to the site, you have definitely found the right place to hang out! 46 +/- Days left :)
I'm psyched too! The more I think of the different applications I could use it in in my daily life, the more I get excited about it!

Welcome to the site and we're glad to have another Mac Fanatic on board :D
Me 3!

Welcome to the site cszcz, hope you get the ipad as soon as possible.

BTW! Your name is a tongue twister for me...lol.
i really do love Apple products. i have every iPhone model and now use the 3Gs, several iPods, a Mac Mini, an old G3 and I want to get the new iPad. i think it beats any eReader on the market and you get the rest thrown in for not much more money. Anybody as psyched as i am ?:D

I'm psyched, are you psyched... my fingers wont stop twitching, must type on iPad.

Seriously though, Welcome to the forums and nice to see another Apple advocate for the iPad. :D
iPad Fever

i noticed iDan has a "sent form iPad" at the end of his email. Do you have a prototype iDan ? Way cool dude !!!

i'm really interested in using the iPad on the road and in the air as i travel frequently and have alot of down time on airplanes because there is no room or enough time to boot up the laptop. Sadly, for various reasons, both technical and political, work has forced me into a PC. i hate all the time wasted booting up. Can the iPad do its amazing feats ofline and be synced for email, etc?

By the way. Is there a way to change my user name ? Since it is a small crowd heer just yet apparently I could change it to something more speller freindly.
i noticed iDan has a "sent form iPad" at the end of his email. Do you have a prototype iDan ? Way cool dude !!!

i'm really interested in using the iPad on the road and in the air as i travel frequently and have alot of down time on airplanes because there is no room or enough time to boot up the laptop. Sadly, for various reasons, both technical and political, work has forced me into a PC. i hate all the time wasted booting up. Can the iPad do its amazing feats ofline and be synced for email, etc?

By the way. Is there a way to change my user name ? Since it is a small crowd heer just yet apparently I could change it to something more speller freindly.

I believe if you ask a admin that could be done
i noticed iDan has a "sent form iPad" at the end of his email. Do you have a prototype iDan ? Way cool dude !!!

i'm really interested in using the iPad on the road and in the air as i travel frequently and have alot of down time on airplanes because there is no room or enough time to boot up the laptop. Sadly, for various reasons, both technical and political, work has forced me into a PC. i hate all the time wasted booting up. Can the iPad do its amazing feats ofline and be synced for email, etc?

By the way. Is there a way to change my user name ? Since it is a small crowd heer just yet apparently I could change it to something more speller freindly.

Shoot me a PM with your username choices and I will get it changed for you :)
Hi everybody!Does anyone know about the book pricing

HI I also love everything Mac got a Macbook Air upgrade my Iphone and IPod every time they upgrade. I currently have a kindle electronic reader it's ok (the pages are a little dark) one of the biggets benefits of it though is the cheap pricing on books , If you buy a book on Itunes it's like buying it from the store does anyone know if Apple is going to change there pricing structure on book to better compete with the Kindle and Nook?

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