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I no longer enjoy using my Ipad.


iPF Noob
I havent read up on this forum for some time now but are most people not liking the new IOS?

Everything on my IPAD is sluggish, the animation is jittery (and horrible to look at) and all of my favorite apps appear to have been redesigned by 5 year olds, rendering some of them nearly impossible to use.

Blasphemous, I know but I find myself using my Android driven HTC One now more often than my Ipad.

Are most people experiencing these same problems?
I havent read up on this forum for some time now but are most people not liking the new IOS? Everything on my IPAD is sluggish, the animation is jittery (and horrible to look at) and all of my favorite apps appear to have been redesigned by 5 year olds, rendering some of them nearly impossible to use. Blasphemous, I know but I find myself using my Android driven HTC One now more often than my Ipad. Are most people experiencing these same problems?

I agree, I have lots of programs that will not work on my iPad 3rd generation running iOS 7.02. The list of programs that don't work includes iTunes, iBooks store and Duolingo, all of these work fine on my iPod touch running iOS 6 and my internet speed is plenty good enough for these programs to work. I did a complete wipe on the computer and restored my iPad twice now and I still have problems. I have purchased two iPods, two iPads an ATV and an airport express for either myself or other family members and unless Apple changes this ugly iOS 7 back to something that doesn't look like a half done elementary school art project, it will be Androids only from now on. I don't see a point in paying extra for an Apple product if I hate how it looks, I bought my first Apple iPods and iPad to use with my home automation system, when I bought them Android was not yet widely used enough to be supported by my system, it is now.
I havent read up on this forum for some time now but are most people not liking the new IOS? Everything on my IPAD is sluggish, the animation is jittery (and horrible to look at) and all of my favorite apps appear to have been redesigned by 5 year olds, rendering some of them nearly impossible to use. Blasphemous, I know but I find myself using my Android driven HTC One now more often than my Ipad. Are most people experiencing these same problems?

I agree. I much preferred the look, feel and speed of the previous versions. I liked the wood, leather and brass touches. Now it looks very plain and runs like an slug on an iPad 2. Goodreader, which I use regularly, takes up to 20 seconds to load a page in the middle of a document like the iPad user manual. Other apps are similarly affected. Previously stable apps crash out despite being updated to the latest versions. Not a good experience, I have been advising those who have asked me about my progress not to upgrade for the moment. If I could revert, I would.
I agree. I much preferred the look, feel and speed of the previous versions. I liked the wood, leather and brass touches. Now it looks very plain and runs like an slug on an iPad 2. Goodreader, which I use regularly, takes up to 20 seconds to load a page in the middle of a document like the iPad user manual. Other apps are similarly affected. Previously stable apps crash out despite being updated to the latest versions. Not a good experience, I have been advising those who have asked me about my progress not to upgrade for the moment. If I could revert, I would.
Yeah! Skeuomorphism was better than these flat icons! The worst feature about iOS 7, for me is that once closed by pressing the home button, the app closes completely and has a fresh restart when we reopen it, even if it is a second after that, as if we have closed the app by sliding it up from the list of open apps. :(
Wynette do a restore if that does not work do a complete restore on your computer using the latest version of iTunes. I can assure you all will work fine. I own a iPad 3 3rd generation with some 180 apps installed I chose to do a complete restore because of the number of apps I have Yes it takes time particularly updating some 180 apps however it works but make sure you have fast internet connection. It is no big deal doing a restore then you can move on and enjoy life.

Another user stated many people are not happy with iOS 7. It may seem that way but in real life the percentage is small. Forums attract users with problems and if you take the time to analyze the members and threads you will find many are the same users. iOS 7 was released at the same time as iPhone 5c and 5s millions downloaded the iOS at the same time as well as 9 million new iPhone users attempted to authenticate and convert older data across to new phones. No server and I mean no servers can cope with sort of hit at the same time. Furthermore each device had to be indexed that means any photos, movies and music all had to be verified. Yes it was a pain in the back side but at the end of the day all settled down.

I was in Hong Kong when all this happened and I was at one of the Apple stores where they were delivering over 400 iPhones an hour. Most of which we're being authenticated...... According to the managers and users I spoked with they were over the moon with iOS 7 and loved it. Keep in mind these iPhones were Chinese not English. Why am I telling you this well I also sell Pads where I work. We have not received any negative response from those whom purchased iPad and upgraded to ios7.

Regardless of what manufacture ie Apple, Android Microsoft or what ever when upgrades occur problems will show up. At the end of the day, the texting issue has been noted by Apple and will be addressed with next update along with a by pass security issues which was fixed with ios7.02 Other issues such as nausea attacks most likely affect a minor number of users however I am sure Apple will respond. Complaints about white background and others will most likely be researched but one will have to wait as I can assure you making changes like that may not happen until the next major release.

iOS 7 to me is fantastic I have it on 3 devices including an iPhone 5, iPhone 4S and iPad 3 all have NOW good battery life and response is faster than before. I totally understand user with iPad 1 and 2 plus iPhone 4 that have issues. Personally I feel these uses should not have upgraded period.

We as a forum are not directly assocociated with Apple we are totally private and our team of admin staff including my self volunteer our time. All I ask is constructive criticism regarding issues so repeating the same old stuff does not help our staff or resident users whom provide the support. One should wait for the next wave of users when the new iPads will be released plus many other countries taking delivery of the new iPhones. We will I am sure have another wave of similar issues and will respond.

In conclusion step back and ask your self if you are having problems .... Have I read the latest manual for ios7 and my device.... Have I looked at options on how to correct my issues. Have I followed what the teams at ipadforums and apple forums have suggested...... That's all we ask. Please by all means let's us know if you do succeed in resolving issues as that means a lot to us.

Thanks for reading this. Colin, Brisbane Australia Administrator iPad, iPhone and Apple forums.net
Col.bris - I have iPad2 and it actually seems faster on 7 than on 6 and I have had very few problems, even battery usage is better.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Yeah! Skeuomorphism was better than these flat icons! The worst feature about iOS 7, for me is that once closed by pressing the home button, the app closes completely and has a fresh restart when we reopen it, even if it is a second after that, as if we have closed the app by sliding it up from the list of open apps. :(
Can't understand your post. My apps close via the home button, but remain available without having to restart. A four finger upwards swipe reveals this, all that is needed to reuse the app is a simple press on the picture.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Col.bris - I have iPad2 and it actually seems faster on 7 than on 6 and I have had very few problems, even battery usage is better.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

That's good and thanks for responding. The issue with the iPad 2 has a lot to do with memory not storage and some apps push the envelope. I mentioned not to upgrade only because each user use the iPads for different things. In your case it worked fine. I have not investigated issues with the iPad 2 and personally I have not been able to verify what you told me. I believe some issues are because of the amount of stuff on the iPad 2 and when all the indexing is happening plus app upgrades it slows down. It took me 4 hours to settle down my iPad 3,while the updates were occurring. I guess in this age we all want every thing to happen now unfortunately that is not the case . Minor upgrades yes no issue. The other major problem that can cause issues is the speed of your internet. Some uses we're attempting to update with slow Adsl. Thanks again cheers colin
I found the solution to all my blank white app issues, I had to change my Safari settings, I had it set to always block cookies and it apparently blocked content in other programs. Why did the App store work fine but not the iTunes store? I changed my settings to just block 3rd party cookies.
I do not like the new look...seems like it was designed for teenage girls...anyway, the issue I keep having is that it logs me out of sites I have registered for at random, and I have not found an answer as to how to resolve this...someone suggested "Reset Network Settings"... what does this do and what is actually reset?
I do not like the new look...seems like it was designed for teenage girls...anyway, the issue I keep having is that it logs me out of sites I have registered for at random, and I have not found an answer as to how to resolve this...someone suggested "Reset Network Settings"... what does this do and what is actually reset?

I believe it just breaks all connections and setup info for any wireless networks you've connected to. Kind of like setting up networking from scratch for the first time On the iPad. It can't hurt to do it but you would have to re enter credentials for any networks you want to connect to. Not sure of that will help you though. Website logins are controlled by the browser you are using, I'm pretty sure.

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