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iAnnotate + Sugarsync ?


iPF Noob
Hi all,

I've got a very simple question which apparently is hard to find an answer to: will iAnnotate work with Sugarsync?

I have a very large library of books in pdf and I need to be able to annotate a file on my iPad and then be able to see the annotations done when opening the same file on my computer (I use Foxit reader and the annotations always show up). So I need the files to be synced between the two devices.

Dropbox (free) is simply too small with 2gb of space, so I recently created a Sugarsync account (free), which gives me 5gb. But will it work with iAnnotate?

Thanks a lot!
Your thread was moved to iPad Apps are, it will get better attention in the proper area.
By the way, ANY other solution for me to sync my library of books on laptop with my iPad (eve if it does not involve sugarsync) would be very welcome!
It's how your backup you iDevices.

Can iTunes deal with about 1500 pdf files (avg. 2-3mb each), keep them browsable by title/author and sync all the annotations done with my iPad (that is, replace the non-annotated file with the annotated one) whenever I connect the device to the computer?
Stay on topic and if you need help on other topic start a new thread!

Hijacking a thread is against the rules, please read the rules.
Stay on topic and if you need help on other topic start a new thread!

Hijacking a thread is against the rules, please read the rules.

Sorry how am I hijacking the thread? If the conversation naturally flows towards a discussion of something else what am I supposed to do? I am STILL asking about ways to sync my iAnnotate on iPad with my laptop computer. He suggested iTunes and I am therefore asking for details about how iTunes can do the job. Doesn't seem to be off-topic at all to me.
My apologies, I'm totally out of place on that... Lol. This is your thread anyway, I need to go to the corner and be on time out now.

Sorry, is there none out there that uses iAnnotate and can tell me how they sync their files (iTunes or not, Sugarsynch or not...)?
I use iAnnotate, but I use Dropbox (I pay for the extra storage) to store/sync my files. I also use the local drive option, where, if you are on the same network, you can access iAnnotate via a desktop or laptop. I don't use it often, but it is handy to have.

For SugarSync, the only thing I can recommend is that you contact iAnnotate development and see if there is a hook to SugarSunc in the app's future.

I use iAnnotate, but I use Dropbox (I pay for the extra storage) to store/sync my files. I also use the local drive option, where, if you are on the same network, you can access iAnnotate via a desktop or laptop. I don't use it often, but it is handy to have.

For SugarSync, the only thing I can recommend is that you contact iAnnotate development and see if there is a hook to SugarSunc in the app's future.


Thanks Marilyn,

yes, I'lll drop a mail to AJi Dev later today asking for it.

With local drive option you mean what they call the 'Aji Reader Service' right? To use your computer as a local server and stream documents to the iPad via your own wi-fi network. So does that work fine?
With local drive option you mean what they call the 'Aji Reader Service' right? To use your computer as a local server and stream documents to the iPad via your own wi-fi network. So does that work fine?

Yeah, I meant that Reader Service.

However, I take back what I said (that the computer interface works and is handy). When I went to answer this post, I discovered it's been a l-o-n-g time since I used it. It's very different now and I don't know when it changed.

There used to be a nice little window you could open/map to the PC (almost like a network drive). Now? Nothing. When I went to the iAnnotate web site, the Windows download said it's for XP and Vista (I run Windows 7). I got it downloaded all right, and was able to transfer a document to the PC. But I can't figure out how to transfer documents from my PC to the iPad.

TBH - I'm not going to work on it. I'm sure it's worth fiddling with, but since I have Dropbox (which works a treat with iAnnotate, BTW), I don't need another method.

So, I can't help there. Sorry. Maybe it is time to buy a Dropbox account? :o

It's how your backup you iDevices.

Can iTunes deal with about 1500 pdf files (avg. 2-3mb each), keep them browsable by title/author and sync all the annotations done with my iPad (that is, replace the non-annotated file with the annotated one) whenever I connect the device to the computer?

Yes, to everything but the annotation part. iTunes would put them in iBooks by default, and it does not have the annotation features you want.

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