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Ibooks crashes !! Will i / have i lost the files ?? What about re install...?

Thanks. I bet it was fixable with the jailbreak, but if you don't need/want jailbreak it's probably not worth the trouble to hunt it down.
twerppoet said:
Ok, the first thing to try is to see if the books will transfer to iTunes. This may or may not work. Book that are added directly to iBooks by any method other than the iBooks Store often won't copy back to the iTunes library.


All the PDF that I am talking abut are from the web .... They were not purchased on iTunes or I books most of these are reports ...statements ..etc.etc they were downloads at various points of time and in the absence of having a directory structure I do not know the exact names or the size of these PDF , html files etc

So looks like this will also not work

....there is just one classic book that I downloaded on I books and I am not very worried about loosing that

Rest .....snipped .....

twerppoet said:
The more tedious menthol is to go into iBooks and email all the PDF files back to yourself. After you've reloaded iBooks you can either email them back to your iPad, or copy them to iTunes for syncing.

In my case. .... I books crashes, in 3 ... Seconds after I open it ...so no time to locate and mail a bock to anyone !!!

Wreybies said:
Um, ok. iPad 1st gen, 64gb WIFI iOS 4.3.3


How does one find that out ?

I mean I have an iPad and can't figure out which version of os I am on ...what is the iPad version etc etc ..so if you could Zcpl give me then steps to find out a version number etc ... That would be much appreciated....

Wreybies said:
Um, ok. iPad 1st gen, 64gb WIFI iOS 4.3.3


How does one find that out ?

I mean I have an iPad and can't figure out which version of os I am on ...what is the iPad version etc etc ..so if you could Zcpl give me then steps to find out a version number etc ... That would be much appreciated....


On your iPad go to the Settings app and then from the left-hand column of options go to General and from within General go to About.

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