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ibooks won't download

David Nolan

iPF Noob
I bought two books on ibooks and they showed up on my ipad, but wouldn't open. When I go to "store/purchases" they appear as "redownload", but when I do that it transfers the image to my library, but a window comes up that says I already bought the book, but need to redownload. This is an endless cycle that I can't get out of and can't download the book....help !!!


As nutty as it sounds, turn fully off and on your iPad (reboot). Fixes most such issues. Let us know if it works.
I'm having exactly the same problem with the first ibook I have tried to purchase. Turning it off and on again hasn't solved the problem. I also can't see it in my itunes account and when I sync it doesn't show up. This is very frustrating and is putting me off using ibooks (will stick to Kindle, but this book wasn't available through kindle).

Any solutions would be great.
I have exactly the same problem. The book has redownload set but will not download simply sending me back to redownload. It also appears on the book shelf but there is no way to remove it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It also appears on the book shelf but there is no way to remove it.
On the bookshelf page, select Edit in the upper right hand corner --


After you do this, each book will have an X in the upper left hand corner and all you have to do is tap the X to delete the book. Tap Done when you have deleted the book(s) in question.

Thank your for your reply. Unfortunately when edit is pressed the books that have not downloaded do not have an "x" so are unable to be deleted.
Thanks for all your help. When I logged on today, for the umpteenth time, the books automatically downloaded, no idea why or what happened, but alls well.
Hi, not half as confused as I was when the download worked without any prompting. This was after many days and fruitless attempts in trying to get the books to either download or, latterly, delete them.
Had the same problem today, book said downloaded, but won't open. I clicked the book in my library and got the page showing it was downloaded......on a whim, I clicked "get sample". Poof, the entire book was available.
iBooks not downloading

Had the same problem today, book said downloaded, but won't open. I clicked the book in my library and got the page showing it was downloaded......on a whim, I clicked "get sample". Poof, the entire book was available.

I had the same problem with my iPad, iBooks wasn't downloading a book that I pre purchased a few months ago and I have honestly tried everything including restarting the iPad, trying to download the sample etc. It's just not working and I am extremely frustrated.

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