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Iceberg Reader


iPF Novice
I have a few apps from Scrollmotion using Iceberg Reader and since the IOS5 update, they don't work. I've tried deleting, resetting, etc... I went into their website and I sent an email. Does anyone else have these apps and having the same trouble. Are they obsolete? I spent at least £40+ on these apps only 9 months ago so I would be extremely annoyed if they won't work anymore.
I see they have kids books for sale but when I tried to look for them on iTunes, they have disappeared.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
We apologize, but with the arrival of IOS 5 we are no longer supporting upgrades to our Iceberg Reader titles on Apple products.

All Iceberg purchases were made via the iTunes store. In order to receive a refund on your product contact Apple support:

Thank you,

ScrollMotion Customer Service

Well, this answers my question. This is really annoying. Why wasn't I told that this would happen? Do I get a refund even though it was months ago? Who is to blame? I expect this will be no-ones fault but my own. £40 worth of apps down the drain!, a bit mad!!! Grrrr

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Oh, geez Halyes66--that is a complete bummer. I hope that you can at least get some of your money back. It would have been helpful to notify customers prior to the Oct. 12 big update. Hope things work out.
Well, I sent a complaint to apple. I realise it's not their fault but someone could have told me that this could happen. I've had emails from other owners to say that their app will no longer work but they were free! I've found the receipt for these 4 books. They come to £33. Thank god I didn't have the money to buy any more books. I think I'll stick with the main book dealers and hope this won't happen again. WH Smiths are changing suppliers to Kobo so hopefully a long and buggy relationship with WH Smith app to Kobo will improve. We'll see.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
I am pretty certain that you'll be able to receive a complete refund. Why not contact the Apple Support line with the transaction reference numbers and see what they say.

Ho ho ho. Done, dusted and already done.
I explained the situation to iTunes and this is the reply this morning!!! Yes, you heard right. This morning!

Hello Hayley,

This is Sean from the iTunes Customer Support. I understand from your email that you've purchased the Twilight books from the iTunes Store, but cannot play them after updating to iOS5. I know you must be concerned, and I'll be happy to help you.

I'll be happy looking into a refund for you for your purchase of Twilight books. I would just need you to provide the order number for Books you've been charged for that no longer work.

You can find your order numbers on your email receipts and in your Purchase History. If you need to review your Purchase History, follow the steps in this article:


I look forward to receiving your reply. Thanks for choosing iTunes and have a great day Hayley!


iTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Support

How about that for service! I was flabbergasted! You go Apple! I'm still bowled over now! Didn't expect that as I bought them at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010. Well, being the pessimist I am, we will see what happens!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
That's brilliant Hayley's
Good job apple
How do we know what other books may be involved
I have bought hundreds of books for future reading
So do I have to wait till I try and read before I cannot get it to open?
It depends on the app developers. They could decide not to update to the new update and then you are sort of stuffed really. I haven't heard back yet so will let you know when I do. I think we need to stick to the main ebook sellers and steer clear of the little guys. Real shame too. I have iBooks, kindle and WH Smiths are changing to Kobo who I hear are being taken over by a Japanese company now so not sure what's up with that. The problem with WH Smith is that the books can't be transferred to laptop so no way of ensuring that the same thing won't happen to Kobo. We'll see.

Sent from my fantastically wonderful witiPhone using iPF
Well, I've had an answer from Apple. They will let me have the 4 books free from iBooks. I have to buy the books and then they will refund the money.
I've also had my books transferred from WHSmith to Kobo with no issues. So that has been successful. Only my LJ Smith Vampire book wouldn't transfer and WHSmith let me keep that on my laptop and I just copy to the iPad to read that. Let's hope all ebooks are as successful.
Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
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Glad that worked out for you Hayles.

I'm skeptical when I buy e-content. I consider whether I'd be left high and dry if a company pulls out, fails, etc., and my content is only available through that company. I also don't want to have to choose between abandoning my books and being tied to one company's devices. So I don't buy from sources unless I know I can read, watch or hear my content in more than one way. I don't buy iBooks because they can be read only on Apple stuff, for instance. I also don't buy from smaller outfits unless I know there's a way for me to back up and access if they fold, etc.

I buy books from places like Amazon because I can read their books on many platforms, for instance.

YMMV, of course. I love books and want to access mine for many years. Some readers read only once and don't care about future access, in which case price might be the overriding consideration.
Totally agree. Iceberg and indeed an iPod touch was my first foray into ebook reading so it was a valuable lesson to learn for me. However, I'm confident that Apple will be around for awhile and do indeed have iBooks from them. Mostly free though. I buy mainly from Amazon but due to recession loads of businesses who I felt would be around forever doesn't give me any confidence any more. I love reading iBooks and is my favourite app but I read all my PDFs in Goodreader now so it's a toss up between the two apps (reading that is). I'm a bookworm and I can't imagine life without books. It's the main reason for switching from iPod touch-iPhone-iPad.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Yes, I load free books via iBooks, too. When it comes to freebie books, I use a bunch of apps, lol. Great to have so many to choose from.

I use Goodreader only for work, though, and not so much.

I like Kindle books partly because I can back them up on my computer, so if Amazon disappeared tomorrow, I'd still have all my books. If I had to, I could shift all my Kindle books to another format. Let's just say I'm not the trusting sort, lol.
I've contacted Apple and they won't give me a refund... They suggested I email Scrollmotion. So, since January I keep getting emails from Mallory at scrollmotion headquarters and she tells me someone will contact me. THREE months and no response.

I'm so upset. ::(

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