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iCloud Caution when updating to iOS 8


iPad Fan
A big caution to those updating to iOS 8 early.

Unless you can upgrade all your iOS devices, and/or do not depend on iCloud to sync between them and your computer; do not upgrade to iCloud Drive when asked.

iCloud Drive is not compatible with old iCloud, and once you upgrade devices on one will not sync with devices still on the other.

This goes double for Mac users. Until you update to OS X Yosemite (next month most likely) your iOS devices using iCloud Drive will not be able to sync with your Mac.
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A big caution to those updating to iOS 8 early.

Unless you can upgrade all your iOS devices, and/or do not depend on iCloud to sync between them and your computer; do not upgrade to iCloud Drive when asked.

iCloud Drive is not compatible with old iCloud, and once you upgrade devices on one will not sync with devices still on the other.

This goes double for Mac users. Until you update to OS X Yosemite (next month most likely) your iOS devices using iCloud Drive will not be able to sync with your Mac.

Too late, oh Wise One! I upgraded yesterday and the iCloud Drive is showing as constantly upgrading in Settings. Any advice as what to to now would be more than welcome, TP.
I do not have any other IOS run devices at present, fortunately.
For a 'much' more complete description of the problem check out this news thread.


Thanks to dgstorm for having our backs.

Jumped the gun, yet again, TP. Says it all here, ah well, stuck with it for now I guess :(
Thanks for all the help, guys, I will make sure to read future warnings such as this before upgrading. For once, I feel let down by Apple, but once is not too bad over the time I have been using my iPad. Far better than Windows 8.1 any day of the week :)
Amazingly, the iCloud Drive has completed upgrading, whether that is a bad thing or good, I don't know given the warnings. Hopefully, all will work out in time :)
I have other back up systems in place especially for my PC running that infernal Windows 8.1 so we will wait and see.
Roll on the next upgrade but I do feel that my iPad 3 is becoming obsolete soon. That said I will have no qualms in purchasing an up to date iPad when the time comes.
So just for clarity- if I upgrade an iPad Air, iPhone 5c but NOT my iPad mini and choose no when prompted icloud drive, all 3 devices will still operate fluidly with icloud even though the mini would be on 7.1.1?

The reason for this question is even though icloud drive is one of the features I want, I really don't think IOS 8 will run well on the 1st gen mini kinda like my old iPhone 4 on ios7. It worked but not well and kinda forced the 5c purchase for me. So even though I would not get the benefits of icloud drive now or until i get a newer mini, i really need the regular icloud to fluidly work on all 3.
iCloud will work as before.

I updated my mini, no problems. The iPad 2 and 3 also received the update, and both devices were released earlier than the mini.

So your mini and iPad 2 is running alright for you J.A.?
Yes, they do both.
My devices are the mini and The Air. I gave the iPad 2 to my daughter. It's also up to date now, no problems with updating.

I mentioned iPad 2 and 3 in my post above, because they are "older" devices than an iPad mini.

I own an iPad 2 and have not updated yet. I haven't decided if I wanted to yet, just because it's an older device. However, I have now heard from you and another that their iPad 2s were fine with the update. So, I may just take the plunge. Thanks JA! :)
My pleasure. :)

You'll certainly enjoy the new software. :)

You're right! I have it on my iPhone 5 now and really like it. The keyboard seems smoother to type than before. My battery seems to be unaffected with the update too. Always a plus when you hear others report that! :)
I also get the impression that this update was more smooth than the one last year.
I also get the impression that this update was more smooth than the one last year.

It seemed like that to me too. I did however, update through iTunes when I updated my iPhone. I had to clear some space before I could do it. It took only 20 minutes on Thursday... Unlike the "30 hours" for some right at the time of the release. I did that with 5.0 and it took almost 2 hours. Never again will I do that again! ;)
It might just be fewer people updating. The uptake has been a lot slower than last year, so far.

Maybe people learned their lesson about living on the edge. :)

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