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iCloud email address change


iPF Noob
Can anyone help ? I changed my apple ID email details and now I cannot log in to iCloud to back up and cannot see a way of changing the email address, it gives an option to change your password but not the actual email.
Any guidance gratefully received.
A lot of this is speculation. I'm too big a coward to experiment and possibly separate my own iCloud and iTunes accounts; so take it for what it is worth.

Your iTunes account and iCloud account are two separate things. Or at least they can be. Depending on how you have things set up, changing the Apple ID (email address) or password in iTunes may have no affect the iCloud account (though yes, they can be the same email and password and when you create the iCloud account it will by default use your iTunes info).

I am not certain of this, but I suspect that you can not change the iCloud email address itself; because iCloud is an email service (among other things). That address, just like a Google email or Yahoo email, is the accounts primary identification.. I'm not sure what will happen if you change the email address of an account where the iTunes and iCloud account are the same. They may split, for all I know.

Your iTunes account by contrast is just a way for you to buy stuff. It isn't necessary for it to have a immutable online address.

So, try the old info for signing onto iCloud. It will probably work. If you want a new password, you will need to change it for iCloud itself, not in the iTunes account settings.

Apple IDs and iCloud

iCloud: View or change your iCloud account information

Hi..I changed my btinternet email password on my iMac, but when I try to read mail on my iPad (even though I changed the password in settings to match my new one), I cannot get Mail and am told that the username or password is incorrect..any ideas please ?
Hi..I changed my btinternet email password on my iMac, but when I try to read mail on my iPad (even though I changed the password in settings to match my new one), I cannot get Mail and am told that the username or password is incorrect..any ideas please ?
Welcome to iPad Forums!

On your iPad, delete the account and set it up again. If it’s your iCloud ID, sign out, and then in again.

Hope that helps.
Is this thread still active, as of 2018?
If you have a similar question, or if you’d like to help Anna Smallcombe-Temple, you can post here.

The OP hasn’t been back for years, though. So any suggestions made to solve the original problem won’t help that member.

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