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If you could only put one movie on your iPad, what would it be?


Staff member
As the title says, if you could only put one movie on your iPad, what would it be?

For me, I think I would put 'The Right Stuff'

It's long and it's a classic...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyhJAeqON3I]YouTube - The Right Stuff Clip 3 Chuck Yeager Mach 2[/ame]
We Talk TV! Do you talk TV?

I'd put the thing on loop and set in on a stand. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh3wgldJxRM]Transformers the Movie (1986)[/ame]

I can't think of a movie I've seen yet that basically offs nearly the whole cast of characters from a TV show in about a minute.
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I would have to go with Dumb and Dumber! It's always good for a laugh :D

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqifx0wwHL8"]YouTube - Dumb and Dumber clips[/ame]
Avatar as I like the plot of this movie.. Horror or ghost movie is not a bad idea as well.. There're my favorites!!
Avatar as I like the plot of this movie.. Horror or ghost movie is not a bad idea as well.. There're my favorites!!

Ooh, Avatar was my second choice.. sneak: I will have all my favorites stream to my iPad using AirVideo app.

It came in so handy today after my cars transmission blew out and I was stuck for 2.5 hours waiting for the tow back home and garage repair. I ended up watching several episodes of Fringe and thought how cool it was that I didn't even have to carry them on my iPhone and how much cooler it will be on the iPad. :D

Being an electronics technician for years, you would think this stuff would grow old hat, but not with Apple out there keeping up with innovation and supply and demand. The appstore is like adding a cherry on top. :)

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