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Ifile help pls.


iPF Noob
Hello everyone.
I need some help. I was on my iPad 1 on 4.21 for a long time. Everything worked fine. I loved using ifile with the camera connection kit and linking files to good reader and oplayer.

Well my iPad crashed and I was forced to upgrade to 5.1 I jailbroke with resnow and got all my apps and tweaks back. But now when I create links to any program or try to open with program from ifile it doesn't show in the program ny more. I copy, create link and paste it in the good reader and oplayer documents folder like befor but when I open the program, theres nothing there? Any help would be great.
Maybe in iOS 5.1 they prevented apps in Appstore to root into file directory. Try a media player existing in Cydia. I'm not sure which one works though. I know mplayer doesn't. I think XMBC does. There's somewhere in google for that source in cydia. Try that and let us know

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