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I'm doing something wrong re watching a film, but what?


iPF Noob
Hi guys,
I've done something wrong and my missus is blowing her top.
I have just bought a camera connection kit from the Apple Store and the idea was that she would be able to load a film on to an SD card, copy it to a file on her iPad2 and then play it from there.
Call me Mr Thicko but I reckon that the snag is that we haven't installed a proper movie player on her iPad. Is there one pre-installed as standard? If there is, what should I look for? If not, can anybody suggest a decent video player for the iPad? We use videolan on all the other computers that we have.
Many thanks for all your help and suggestions.
Welcome on board our forums. Give it time to get responses ok. What format is the movie in
Hi there,
Most movies I have are in .avi format but I can change the format to whatever I need.
My problem is that I can't "see" the SD card so I can't open the file to watch the film.
I use Air PlayIt HD which not only let's me select a folder on my PC to share with the iPad over the wireless network and stream my movies but also allows me to convert any movie and copy it to the iPad for offline viewing :)

From what I've read the bit of kit you've just purchased will only allow you to view images from say a digital camera..

Hope this helps.
Hi DRM and thanks for the info about Air PlayIt HD. I'll download that and see what happens.
The Camera connection kit blurb suggests that you can either plug the camera straight into the camera connector using a USB lead in order to view any images that are on the camera's internal memory or files on a memory card OR you can view still images or videos directly from an SD card which is inserted into the other connector.
It does all sound a bit complicated.

Tha camera connection kit won't do what you want. It will only import photos from a dcim folder on the card not anything else. The easy way to get a film onto your iPad is with iTunes. Go to your iPad then Apps then scroll down and you will see your apps that can have files drag and dropped to. Select your movie player and then just drag and drop your avi file. It will then be available for playing on your iPad.
Sounds like you don't have the proper directory structure. For the ipad to view anything off the SD card everything needs to be in a directory named DCIM and then the files must have the correct names like


And as you add more just name them


For the films you want to add you can even give a custom name but it has to stay in a format the ipad will understand and see like


and as you add more just name them like

I believe the ipad only supports .m4v, .mp4 and .mov. There are however apps available that will play other formats so you don't have to go through the hassle of converting the file. I use an app called AVPlayerHD, it's $2.99 but well worth it in my opinion and plays almost all of the different formats out there. Once the app is installed, simply open iTunes, connect your ipad, click on your ipad in the left column so it brings up the device information in the center pane. Then click on the apps tab for the ipad, scroll down to AVPlayerHD and click on it once. After you do this you should see a little box area appear, now you can drag and drop movie files into that box and it will load them on your device (I believe there is also a browse/search button to locate the file on your computer); you may have to press the sync button if it doesn't automatically load them. I have not tested this app using the camera connection kit with the file on the SD card but I would prefer to have the file on the ipad itself so I don't have to have the connection kit sticking out the side and possible getting caught on something.
Another vote for AVPlayer HD. I have Buzz and VLC ( got it before it was pulled from the app store) but AV Player is the best
You can transfer films to your iPad over WiFi, no iTunes or cables needed and no need to do any conversions. It plays .avi and .mkv, as well as most other formats.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks for all the info, guys.
All I can say for the moment is that my head is spinning. lol

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