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I'm new Here


iPF Noob
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
New Orlean, LA
Hello All my name is Drissy(Driesie) I'm from New Orleans, LA. I am New to the iPad scene and I am so lost. I know how to download apps and play games but still a little lost. My kids love it i have a 13(boy) and a 2(girl). They love it. I have a lot of educational stuff for them both.

My only problem with the iPad is that I love to multitask. iPad ain't gonna hear me on that. I have heard some things about this thing called Jail Brake and i need some info on that. Can someone help?:confused:
if you do a search of the term "jailbreak" on the forum, you should find all the information you need.

Also, the new 4.2.1 update allows multitasking. I dont know what you had in mine to multitask, but it does allow for some multitasking.

If you need anything else, you can Private Message me and I would be more than happy to help you out!


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