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I'm New Today

Uncle Hector

iPF Noob
Jul 19, 2010
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Columbia, SC
I found this forum about a week ago through a google search while trying to decide whether or not to purchase an iPad, and which model. All of your positive reviews and comments convinced me to do this sooner, rather than later.

Last Friday (16 July) I ordered a 64 Gig 3G from MacConnection in New Hampshire with an expected ship date of 23 July. While checking my order status this afternoon I was pleasantly surpised to see that it shipped today!

My interests in no particular order are photography, on-line poker, movies, family, motorcycling and reading.

I have been a PC user forever, do not own an iPod, iPhone, or Mac but am planning to purchase a Mac on "Tax Free Weekend" next month.

Wish me luck!

Welcome! I thought NH was tax free anyway?

Enjoy! Glad to hear about the early shipment.
This is my first I-gadget as well, and I'm liking it. My first impression of apple products that they are complicated to handle was absolutely wrong. Now, I'm planning to get an iphone4g when it comes out here in Manila.

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