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iMessage on iPhone and iPad


iPF Noob
I guys, I need some help.

What are the correct iMessage settings on both the iPhone and iPad so that messages can be sent and read on both devices. If my fiancée sends a text from his iPhone can I read it on my iPad as well as my iPhone?

sam1017 said:
I just have my iCloud's account turned on. Question to you. Does your camera take fuzzy looking pictures?

Hi Sam. The camera on the iPad is not as good as on the iPhone. However for some reason the pics I take now are much better quality than they used to be when I first bout the iPad. Not sure why. But the quality is not that great.
sam1017 said:
I just have my iCloud's account turned on. Question to you. Does your camera take fuzzy looking pictures?

Both my devices have the iCloud account switched on, it still doesn't make any difference....... Any other help?
They both need to have the same email address set for receive at. Then the sender should use that email address to send iMessage and it will appear on both iPhone and iPad.

In ios 6, they are adding the ability for this to work with your iPhone number, which will make it a lot easier/better.
DefBref said:
They both need to have the same email address set for receive at. Then the sender should use that email address to send iMessage and it will appear on both iPhone and iPad.

In ios 6, they are adding the ability for this to work with your iPhone number, which will make it a lot easier/better.

Hi DefBref, both devices have the same email addresses for the receive at field and still not working properly... :(
I'm at a lost then. If the emails are the same then idk. Good luck! Trying going to the apple website and do a live chat. It's a lot faster and easier than going to the store.

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