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Imovie does not allow you to edit uploaded videos


iPF Noob
So I just bought the iMovie app and I love it but the thing that makes no sense is that you cannot edit videos that you upload from your computer. I found that very odd so I did a little research to see if I was doing it wrong but then I found out that it was impossible. You are only allowed to edit videos/ pictures that were taken straight from the ipad2 , which I find absolutely ridiculous. I have some videos and pictures on my iPad but I'm not going to carry this thing around as my main camera just so I can edit to make a movie. I'm really hoping that apple realizes how idiotic that is. I'm praying that in the next update this will be solved. Besides that this app is sick! You can do so much and I have slot of fun with it. I only bought the app so I can make a movie of my trip to Puerto Rico. If anyone knows of something to evade this problem please tell me or just write a bad review in the app store complaining about this.
Several members have commented on this. If you feel the app doesn't suit your purpose, there's no problem in getting a refund. Many Forum members have had their money refunded. Just call the Apple Support line with the reference number for the transaction from your iTunes invoice and they'll refund the money as a credit to your iTunes account.

There is a workaround for this problem. I have written a simple how to on how I did it.

CLick here...

Again, credit goes to the guy who sent his video message on the show iPad Today on TWiT.

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