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Import photos from SD card.....help

john chaney

iPF Noob
Perhaps I am on the wrong thread but I came here to figure out how to scan my old photos to a SD memory card and use the stored images to import to my iPad.
The scanned images are on the card but the iPad does not recognize them. The scanner does recognize them for printing purposes.
Could someone point out which thread to go to?
Hi, I just moved your post to its own thread as this will gain you a greater chance of getting the help that you require.......good luck!

The Archangel
The photos on the SD Card need/must be in a DCIM directory and must be named as such 100_1234.jpg. Next photo needs be named 100_1235.jpg and so on.
I am scanning directly to the memory chip and saving it. No computer is involved.When I take photos and directly load them into the iPad they are not numbered but show up as streamed photos. It appears to be the same yet the iPad does not recognize the saved photos.These photos do show up however on the scanner and could be reprinted.
I am trying to set up an album that I can send to a printer who can turn them into a book.

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