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Importing keynote presentations


iPF Noob
I am debating whether to buy the Keynote app for my iPad 2. I have a Macbook Pro with Keynote and have been using it to create presentations for the occasional class I teach. It works fine for what I want to do (which is pretty basic) but it would be easier to just take my iPad with me instead of the big 17" laptop. But I want to create my presentation on my laptop as I have so many things there which I will be using and want to have access to a printer while creating (and I don't have AirPrint for my iPad2). So...once I get my presentation ready to go, can I import it seamlessly to my iPad 2? (Is this done via syncing with iTunes?) And if I use my iPad for my presentation, can I use my laptop remote to advance my slides or do I have to advance them with a touch on the screen? I don't want to spend money on an app that won't do what I want...so would appreciate input from some of you experts!
Use an app called USB disk once you have downloaded it go on apps on iTunes and find USB disk then click add an add a presentation once you have added it it will go on you're iPad
Some of the fancier features of Keynote will be stripped when it's imported on the iPad, but most presentations should work fine.

You can transfer the presentations in a multitude of ways. Email, DropBox (using the app), iTunes File Sharing, and many other cloud based apps and file management apps. I like Box.com, since it will upload and download directly from the iWorks apps via the WebDAV server. An SMEStorage account will let you combine Box.com and DropBox for WebDav access. Do a search for iWorks (or Pages or Keynote, or Numbers) and WebDAV for lots of threads on the subject.

You have to touch the screen to advance a presentation, unless you have an iPhone or iPod Touch. If you have one of those you can get the Keynote Remote app and use them to advance slides (and see your presentations notes).

You can find more information about Keynote here. Apple - Support - iOS Apps - Keynote
Thanks to both of you. I have downloaded USB disk. I have read all the suggestions and think I should be able to do what I'd like to do. My presentations aren't particularly fancy so I think I can make it work.
I was able to transfer an old Keynote presentation from my laptop to my iPad and it seems to work fine; I can't see anything that doesn't work as well as originally. Now my current problem: If I do my real presentation in front of the group with my iPad, it will be tethered to the projector with a VGA adapter cord. I'd really like to use just my iPad (it's so compact and so cool!) but I don't know of any good way to advance slides cordlessly. If I use my iPad screen to advance from frame to frame, I can't move around. Is there any way to advance slides cordlessly? (I don't have an iPod or iPhone.)
As mentioned before, you can get the Keynote Remote app from the App Store. You can use it to control a presentation using another iDevice, including iPhone, iPod Touch, or even another iPad. It uses either Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi if both devices are connected to the same network.

This is the only method of remote controlling a slideshow I know of.

If a wi-fi network is available you can get an Apple TV and connect it to the projector instead; then Airplay (or mirror) your iPad to the Apple TV; leaving the iPad free to walk around with.
What about using an Apple Bluetooth keyboard as a remote?
I don't have an iPod or an iPhone.

Afraid not. Before I made my earlier post I gave that a quick test, but could find no keys that affected the presentation itself. You can use the music controls (if the keyboard has them) to start/stop/control whatever music apps is sitting in the background, but the slides could not be advanced.

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