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Installing .ipa on my iPad

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Hacking != Piracy

These apps are written by normal people just like you and me.

Closed for editing, warnings, bans, and other action.

EDIT: Reopened, two temporary bans given for piracy discussions and personal attacks, repeated. One warning given.

Don't even say the NAME of the software that you can use to install pirated software on your iPad.
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Oh well I can still think how I feel even if I'm not allowed to say so.

Good to see ya back, buddy! You right, no one controls our minds' lmao. Plus I think in boxing people would be better on those unsaid subjects. Even then not directly saying what it is but it being a known already when chatting.
Glad to see no one here (besides the evil, horrible OP who probably eats babies) has ever copied a movie, taped an album or looked away during a commercial. You are all model citizens! [This post may not be copied without permission.]

There seems to be some confusion though: Apple is not the law...yet. The FCC and Library of Congress both told Apple to suck it over jailbreaking, so until Apple is awarded a patent for federal agencies it's perfectly fine. Sure, you lose your warranty, but I haven't had the best experience with Apple warranties anyway. Right now the company is far too busy, in the wake of Job's passing, getting the patent on Death.
Glad to see no one here (besides the evil, horrible OP who probably eats babies) has ever copied a movie, taped an album or looked away during a commercial. You are all model citizens! [This post may not be copied without permission.]

There seems to be some confusion though: Apple is not the law...yet. The FCC and Library of Congress both told Apple to suck it over jailbreaking, so until Apple is awarded a patent for federal agencies it's perfectly fine. Sure, you lose your warranty, but I haven't had the best experience with Apple warranties anyway. Right now the company is far too busy, in the wake of Job's passing, getting the patent on Death.

I find it hard to believe you joined up here just to dredge up this 10 month old thread to make this point, but jailbreaking is perfectly legal and acceptable. Stealing software which you should be paying for is not, and it is clearly against our rules. Those are the rules you signed up to when you joined. I suggest you review them if you want to stick around.

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