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Intro thread, hi everyone!

Miss Chevous

iPF Noob
Hi -

Pretty much new to the apple world . . . I have had an old school iPod but have to admit, I really only used it for music. Before that, it was an Apple IIe in gradeschool (insert age joke here) Just got my iPad a few days Ago and loving it!!! There's so much information out there and I'm eager to learn.

Today, I learned my first lesson ... Baby steps. I was reading about converting my DVDs to iPad format and downloaded a ripping software and it killed my laptop, blue screen of death and i cant get it to boot up, even in safe mode. My work laptop no less (oops!). The it guy at my work is pretty cool so hopefully I don't get in big trouble. I know all you hard core apple guys out there are snickering and thinking "yeah' because it's not a Mac!". Anywho, wish me luck tomorrow!

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