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iOS 6.1.1 released


iPF Novice
--> iOS 6.1.1 Software Update

Apple has now released the iOS 6.1.1 update mentioned in our original writeup. The update is specifically for the iPhone 4S and "fixes an issue that could impact cellular performance and reliability for iPhone 4S." This is most likely to address the 3G issues experienced by some users, though it doesn't sound like iOS 6.1.1 does anything to improve battery life as of yet.

--> Apple releases iOS 6.1.1 for iPhone 4S users with 3G issues (Updated) | Ars Technica

Does not really matter for iPads, I guess, so it's not critical to upgrade, but does anyone know if the jailbreak still works if you do decide to update?
6.1.1 is for the iPhone 4S only.

The jailbreak exploits are NOT patched.

The evad3rs will release an update to evasi0n soon to support this version.

That is all :)
Does this mean I will have to go through the whole upgrade, then rejailbreak process?
It was such a pain, and never went smoothly, took me half a day etc...
can someone explain the process!
nickb67 said:
Does this mean I will have to go through the whole upgrade, then rejailbreak process?
It was such a pain, and never went smoothly, took me half a day etc...
can someone explain the process!

If you have the supported device and you want the improved 3G functionality then yes, you will have to go through the whole process again. Of course you should wait until the JB is updated so that you cab JB again.

Why did it take so long? The process should take no more than 20 minutes or so. Maybe take a quick look at the tutorials on this site before upgrading and running the JB again. Good luck
Again, this update is only for the iPhone 4S. It has nothing to do with, nor can it be installed on the iPad.

So a patch needs to be released at this point,before I can update my 4s v5 jb to this 6.1.1 if I want to jb?
So a patch needs to be released at this point,before I can update my 4s v5 jb to this 6.1.1 if I want to jb?

Dont know what v5 means but you can now jailbreak 6.1.1 on the 4s with evasi0n jailbreak. I did mine this morning. Yes you gotta wipe your device and redo everything but for me it was well worth it.

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