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iOS5 has wrecked my iPad 2


iPF Noob
I've only had my iPad 2 a little while and I absolutely. Then I updated to iOS5 and now it's ruined. I'm having these problems:

1. The Music app tells me there is no music. There is 2.5gb of music that registers as being on the memory when I attach it to iTunes.
2. I downloaded an audio book (and I'm near the end of it as well) and not only won't it let me listen to it, it won't let me download it again either. The only way to get it again seems to be to pay again.
3. When I attach the iPad 2 to my PC, iTunes automatically reinstalls every single app that I had installed and then removed. I then have to delete them one at a time. I've tried deleting from the app list in iTunes and un-checking in the sync list. It still does it every time. I now have three more pages of apps than I did before.
4. BBC iPlayer no longer outputs at full screen over the HDMI. It's just a small screen in the middle.
5. When using the HDMI output, putting the iPad on standby used to just turn off the screen on the iPad. Now it turns off the image on the television screen as well.

There may well be more problems, but it's turned my iPad 2 from a must-have accessory to a serious disappointment.

Is there anything that can be done?

Other than doing a factory restore that is.
Please don't panic! I doubt you have lost everything. This is a serious upgrade with many unusual quirks. I had some of your problems and I have been able to get everything back bar some data. As you haven't had it for long it won't be as bad as mine. Why don't you go and see the thread "IOS5 Upgrade troubleshooting". That should help you more than I can say on this thread. There is also a music iPod help thread as well, where I and others have suggestions on that.

But above all of this. DON'T PANIC!!!! Welcome by the way! You have come to the right place!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
The "IOS5 Upgrade troubleshooting" thread says it's for "iOS 5 upgrade troubleshooting, not for posting problems after upgrading." While it's annoying me, my iPad does seem to have iOS5. I've also looked all through the OS forum and not found anything that matches the problems I'm having.

I did find something to try for my reinstalling apps problem, but it's from over a year ago so I don't so why I'm only suddenly having this problem now I've done the update.
I have found that you have to resynch all media that hasn't appeared on your iPad. I did this and everything reappeared after this. Seems weird but that is what I did.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
When I updated my I pad 2 to OS5 it said you will lose all media data unless you save it. As I have no music it was not a problem.
If your iPad is "ruined," you might as well back up everything and do a restore. Given that you're having problems across so much content, including apps, that probably would your quickest and least painful option.
why don't you give apple a ring,if you haven't had your iPad long you probably have phone support.
I have an ipad2 16gb and am comfortable with OS4. Do you think its wise to upgrade to OS5 considering all the problems. Any suggestions? Thank you!
I have an ipad2 16gb and am comfortable with OS4. Do you think its wise to upgrade to OS5 considering all the problems. Any suggestions? Thank you!
JMHO, but for me, no, it's not wise. I'm happy with mine the way it is. I don't HAVE to have the features added with iOS5. At least not if it means having to deal with the hassles related to the upgrade that are documented in countless threads here and elsewhere. I'm not the most tech-savvy person in the world so I'd rather not have to deal with the work-arounds and fixes involved despite having this invaluable forum to help me through them.:) Nor do I feel I should have to. YMMV though. If you feel you can't live without the features the upgrade adds then you should upgrade. If you're like me and can live without them for now, you might want to wait and see if future upgrades fix the problems without the hassles.
idave23 said:
JMHO, but for me, no, it's not wise. I'm happy with mine the way it is. I don't HAVE to have the features added with iOS5. At least not if it means having to deal with the hassles related to the upgrade that are documented in countless threads here and elsewhere. I'm not the most tech-savvy person in the world so I'd rather not have to deal with the work-arounds and fixes involved despite having this invaluable forum to help me through them.:) Nor do I feel I should have to. YMMV though. If you feel you can't live without the features the upgrade adds then you should upgrade. If you're like me and can live without them for now, you might want to wait and see if future upgrades fix the problems without the hassles.

I too waited a little bit before upgrading my iPad2. I ended up getting OS5.01 and it's been excellent so far. I can't say that all of the new features matter to me because they don't. However, I believe they tidied things up a little bit with the 5.0.1 release. It was worth grabbing, IMO. Take a look at what they address and see if it sounds good enough to download. I don't think you'll have problems.
I too waited a little bit before upgrading my iPad2. I ended up getting OS5.01 and it's been excellent so far. I can't say that all of the new features matter to me because they don't. However, I believe they tidied things up a little bit with the 5.0.1 release. It was worth grabbing, IMO. Take a look at what they address and see if it sounds good enough to download. I don't think you'll have problems.
I appreciate the suggestion.:) I'll definitely keep your comments in mind as I decide when to do the update. But for now I think I'll wait until some of the negative experiences other members are still reporting quiet down a bit. Like I said, for now I'm pretty happy with it the way it is. I'd hate to take the plunge and then be stuck with something that lessens my satisfaction with an already enjoyable device.
In respect to the OP's problems, I am surprised at the issues however yes after an upgrade you may need to resync the iPad. In general the rule is REGARDLESS if you have a PC , a Mac or any device such as an iPhone, iPad iPod or other know products you MUST backup first before going ahead with a major system upgrade. I understand the frustration the OP is having however the easiest is just do a restore either home key and on off button held until the white logo comes up then release them and if that does not work a restore via iTunes. iOS 5.01 is a fantastic upgrade for the iPad and frankly much as some people have had issues most don't. Most problem are about having to re-sync to retrieve music Apps and photos etc. if you are backed up or have originals on your hard drive it is really not an issue. If some thing does not work correctly such as an App it may be because the developer has not upgraded that app to support iOS 5 again just check the web site for the developer In all cases iTunes will offer the updates once they became available. No one has said you have to upgrade to the latest version it is your call. Keep in mind the update is for all devices not just the iPad. I respect the fact that some people are nervous about changing anything and that is fine but I can assure you compared to windows on PC the iOS is a dream.

Forums like ipadforums, iphoneforums and Appleforums.net not to mention the droid forums are here to provide assistance to the community as needed at the same time forums are usually the place where people come to complain or seek help. So to be honest if we do get several complaints about a particular issue in the forums it really is a small percentage of the main users world wide. Some problems get lots of press such as the antenna issue with iPhone 4 funny enough other countries including Australia had hardly any issues at all. The battery issue with iphone4s again does not affect all users and that is a proven fact yet the press has a field day with it. In respect to the iPad we really have not had lots of issues and that is over the 19 months the forum has been established and the first iPad was released. If any thing iTunes has been the centre of a lot of discussions and more issues on PC's especially windows Vista. The good news here with ios5 one does not need a computer to sync or backup if they choose not to. I back up using wifi on 2 devices and the other via iCloud. ( the main reason is I am testing iCloud for the forum). One should remember no one user is the same. Some use iPhones just as phones nothing else and never upgrade and I can assure you the same goes for iPad users many just load apps they like and that is all. Other are heavy users of every thing that opens and shuts. The other group love to jail break and that in it self some times is a can of worms.

So where does this lead us and what is the answer to the OP problem.
1) My advise backup and do a total factory restore. If he is unsure about that visit a Apple store for assistance
2) read up on how to restore the iPad and deal with issues when they come along as it is quite easy. In particular read up on iTunes ( in the help menu) on how to control what is added to the iPad as that seems to be one of your issues. In iTunes you can when the iPad is connected to your computer select what apps , musc, movies etc you want when you sync so you donot end up with every thing loaded. We have many help threads here in our forums with detailed explanation on how to resolve issues like yours.
3) if you have Application issues visit the developers web site to see if any information is available about support for ios5 and if not email the developer for the Application.

If you still have issues please post a detailed description of a problem here in our forums try not to give us multiple list ok as it is difficult to resolve multiple problem in one post. We have hundreds of users in our forums not to mention our team of moderators whom have enormous amount of experience with the technical side of the Apple products and also PC products and we are here to assist.

Hopefully we can resolve your issues and you can enjoy the wonderful experience of the iPad.....

Oh and I am aware the original post was in October however I decided to answer the issue as it may effect other users not only the OP..........

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