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iPad 1, air user


iPF Noob
Hi everyone I have been reading the ipad forum for quite some time now without feeling the need to post anything until
now. I have just made the upgrade from ipad 1 to an ipad air purely because the ipad 1 was slowing down and crashing a lot. I did initially vow never to by another ipad, but I just couldn't help myself when I saw the air and it's specs. I'm glad I do have it because it's such a beautiful piece of tech, plus I didn't fancy windows or android devices because I know
nothing beats apple......xx
Hi Ben!

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Yes I am finding a very big difference with the air, but I guess I'm still a little worried that in about three years from now even the air might end up like the i pad 1, with low memory for running apps and frequent crashing. But who knows, at the moment I'm loving it..

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