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Ipad 1 Jailbreak ?

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iPF Noob

i have an ipad 1 thats currently jailbroken

its firmware is 4.2.1(8c148)

but latley with certain apps coming out it wont let me download becuase they are only compatible with a higher ios

please see pics for example.

my question is with ios 5 now out if i am going to break the current jailbreak , to then jailbreak again,then rather then just go up to 4.3 should i not just go up to ios5 now and if so can i jailbreak it on ios5 or should i stay where i am.

[Moderator edit: Removed picture that showed piracy app. Don't be a pirate!]


  • Firmware.webp
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Wow, that's an old version to be still running! :D

You can only go to iOS 4.3.x (any of the 4.3 versions) if you have SHSH blobs for that version. Take a look at the top of the main Cydia page to see what you've got saved. Or, run Tiny Umbrella to see what SHSH blobs are available to you. The best 4.3 firmware to have is 4.3.3, as it can be jailbroken (untethered) easily with JailbreakMe 3.0. That entails a simple trip to a web site, two presses of a button and you are jail broke. It's considered the best jailbreak for iOS 4.3 now because it's UNtethered. But, again, that depends on whether you have the SHSH blobs for it or not.

If you have those blobs, it makes the decision whether to go to iOS 5.0.1 more difficult. You can still jail break iOS 5.0.1 (using this method: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html) but it will be tethered - you'll have to use your computer whenever you have to reboot or power up the iPad. There are many people who like iOS 5.0.1 and have no trouble with this tethered jailbreak (I am one of them). However, a lot of people don't find that iOS version to be that good or worth the bother. Of course, this only pertains to the iPad1, as the iPad2 cannot be jail broken on iOS 5 at this time.

If you don't have the SHSH blobs for iOS 4.3.3, then your only option is to upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 and then do a tethered jailbreak with that redsn0w link I provided.

Yeah, a lot of info at once, but I hope this helps in your decision process. Do let us know if you have more questions or how you get on.


P.S. And me with the bad manners - welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your visit(s) here...
Now that we know you are a pirate, you'll receive no more assistance from us on this forum. Not only is piracy against our rules, it's stealing - and thus illegal. Don't be a pirate!

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