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Ipad 2 3g Connection Problem - Weird Cause..

Hi folks,

I upgraded to an Ipad 2 during the past week. Since I got it, I have been unable to connect to a 3g signal.

I'm using a Three (uk) sim, which worked very well in my original Ipad, holding a good connection anywhere I needed it.

Since putting the sim card into my new Ipad 2, it would never connect, it would only toggle between 'searching' and 'no service'

That was until I discovered the cause accidentally.

Quite unbelievably, it is caused by the Ipad being inside a leather protective case! As soon as I take it out, it connects, as soon as I put it back in, it drops the connection and goes back to searching for a signal.

Has anyone else encountered this? And if so, can you recommend a case that works with the Ipad 2.

Thanks for reading.
You are lucky. You seem to have identified a cause and it had an obvious solution. Unfortunately this isn't the case with my ipad2. It's symptoms are identical to those you decribed but I have found neither its cause nor a solution. Basically it works perfectly well on wifi but just doesn't pickup a 3G signal. On the rare occasion that it does connect, the connection drops in less than 30 seconds. Thereafter it just keeps toggling between "Searching" and "No service". The sim card works on other devices without any issues. I am shocked andisappointed that such a problem can exist for so long in an Apple product.
You are lucky. You seem to have identified a cause and it had an obvious solution. Unfortunately this isn't the case with my ipad2. It's symptoms are identical to those you decribed but I have found neither its cause nor a solution. Basically it works perfectly well on wifi but just doesn't pickup a 3G signal. On the rare occasion that it does connect, the connection drops in less than 30 seconds. Thereafter it just keeps toggling between "Searching" and "No service". The sim card works on other devices without any issues. I am shocked andisappointed that such a problem can exist for so long in an Apple product.

Do you get good 3G service [in that same spot] with other devices? Sometimes, it's not the equipment, it's the location. Cellular signals are not full strength everywhere and so can't be picked up easily. Have you tried a different location to see if that's the cause?

Yes other devices work perfectly well with the same sim card at the same location. In fact today I swapped sim cards wi a colleague's iPhone - his worked with my card and mine did not with his! It seems to be a problem with my device; I can think of no other reason for such a phenomenon.
frustratedipaduser said:
Yes other devices work perfectly well with the same sim card at the same location. In fact today I swapped sim cards wi a colleague's iPhone - his worked with my card and mine did not with his! It seems to be a problem with my device; I can think of no other reason for such a phenomenon.

Is your iPad still under warrantee? You should take it to your nearest Apple store for a genius bar appointment. If it turns out to be a warrantee issue you will get an on the spot replacement if your warrantee coverage is still in effect. For that reason,do a complete backup of your ad before taking it in. If you get a replacement iPad,you can set it up from the backup you made.

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