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Ipad 2 ifile restore


iPF Noob
I just re jailbroke my iphone 4s with 5.1.1 and want to do the same with my ipad. How do i save all the files in my IFILE?
The easiest way I've discovered is to do a two-fold backup: I use iTunes to backup the App Store apps and all their data, then I use the Cydia app PKGBackup to save all the jail break stuff.

Then, it's a simple matter of restoring the iOS, re-jailbreaking and then using the two backups to put the iPad back the way it was. Have a look at this link for further details on PKGBackup: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=60220

Again, this is how I do it and, so far (knock on wood), it's worked great and all my apps and data are as before.

Good luck and hope this helps.


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