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Ipad 2 + JB + Open SSh = ???


iPF Noob
Recently I've established SSH connection between my Ipad 2 to my computer.
So far the only thing I can do with this SSH facility is to copy files between them.
Is there anything else I could do?
What about installing *.ipa files without using itunes??
What about saving SSH Blob for my Ipad 2 with iOs 5.01? Is it possible to be done now??
Recently I've established SSH connection between my Ipad 2 to my computer.
So far the only thing I can do with this SSH facility is to copy files between them.
Is there anything else I could do?
What about installing *.ipa files without using itunes??
What about saving SSH Blob for my Ipad 2 with iOs 5.01? Is it possible to be done now??

If I may be so bold - if you don't know why to use SSH to access your iPad, then mayhaps you should not be accessing your iPad via SSH. When you access your iPad's file system, you are at the very basic level of the iPad. If you erased, changed or added something without knowing why or what, the odds are that you can mess up the iPad and need to restore it to stock. So, be careful.

You cannot legally install *.ipa files on the iPad without using iTunes. Those types of files are App Store apps and to even have those files outside of iTunes means you got them from someone or downloaded them from the Internet. Either of those two actions is illegal and piracy. We don't condone piracy, or any discussion of it, here at this forum. Not only is it illegal, it's against our rules. So, for honesty's sake, do not be messing about with .ipa files outside of iTunes (unless you are using ones you have paid for and downloaded legitimately from the App Store - the only legal place to get .ipa files).

Also, you cannot save blobs for an iPad by using SSH protocols. The only way to date is to use a program called Tiny Umbrella, which is freely downloaded from the Internet. Once installed and with your iPad connected, it will discover and save all save able SHSH blobs.

Bottom line is that using SSH is generally done by developers and themers. I use it to play around with various Winterboard theming and such. I also use it to do as you said, move files back and forth between the computer and the iPad. But, generally, outside of that, it's not much use. And, again, if you change or delete something on the system in error, you could "break" the current version of the software and need to reboot.

Just some cautionary advice.


P.S. I've taken the liberty of moving this thread over to the Hacking section, given that you are talking about a jail broken iPad. Thanks for your understanding.
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Can't you also legitamately get ipa files from cydia?

Absolutely not.

Those .ipa files are proprietary Apple software that can only be legitimately downloaded from the App Store. Unless you are working with a developer who has sent you a .ipa file for beta testing or other use, getting and installing an .ipa file on your iPad is piracy (theft and illegal). This is whether you get via a piracy source from Cydia or by downloading the ipa file from the Internet.

Yes, there are repos that you can install to get .ipa files, but they have been cracked. As in, they have been stolen. Any use of such repos, discussion of such repos or any hacked/cracked ipa files from such sources is not condoned at this forum. Not only is piracy and discussion of such against our rules, it's illegal.


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