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Ipad 2 not playing certain youtube videos


iPF Noob
Hello everyone, great forum you have here.

We just received our Ipad 2 yesterday and am having fun learing how to use it. I noticed a strange phenomena on youtube. I did a search for, "ipad 2 users guide," and a lot of the videos that showed up wouldn't play, it would say, "video not currently available." At first I was concerned that it there was a problem with my ipad, but then I realized it was only happening on video's within this search, and it wasn't all of the videos, but the majority of them.

Is it possible that apple is somehow blocking my ipad from watching these? Thanks in adavance.

Hmm...I didn't know that...so some of youtubes videos are in flash and some are not...I was under the impression they were all the same..Thanks for the info.

Another possibility is that some videos can take a long time to load and buffer and won't start playing until they are at least partially loaded.
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Hi Scifan57, I don't think that's whats going on, for some reason my ipad doesen't like them. Who knows...thanks for the reply.

Omg this happend to me for like a month I could play any YouTube video and the actual YouTube player would come up

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