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iPad 2 potential backup problem?


iPF Noob
Hi there, sorry I donn't know if this is a specific iPad 2 problem or general problem so hopefully I have it i the right forum.

not long ago my so tried to jailbreak his iPad which ended in disaster. Thanks to some amazing people on this forum we were able to get it working ad he eventually downloaded all his apps (we had o back up).

I have just conected his iPad to my PC however i iTunes it says either "start as a new iPad" or "backup". I don't want to back up as the last backup is from when the iPad was half jailbroken and wasn't working but I don't want to start as a new iPad otherwise he will lose his APPS?

Is there a way I can get iTunes to recognise the iPad without having to start new or use the old backup? Is there a way I can get it to backup his iPad in it's current state so he won't lose his APPS?

Any help would be hugely appreciated (and if I could work out how to find my last post about jailbreak I would thank those awesome people who helped me out).
Hi again!

Apps are connected to the Apple ID, so if they get lost because of restoring, it's possible to download them again, except if they aren't available in App Store any more. Same goes for music, movies purchased in iTunes Store (iPad) and books from iBooks Store.

There are two ways to create a backup. The first one is to connect your iPad to the computer, then select File - Devices - Backup (in iTunes).

The other way is to sync it using iTunes. The backup will be the first step that's done before syncing. Here are the instructions for syncing: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1386

Hope that helps.
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