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Ipad 2 upgrade

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iPF Noob
Hi I have an Ipad 2 v 5.01 JB. Now i want to upgrade to V 5.1.1 and then rejailbreak it. Can someone please tell me how can i do it as i was not able to save the SHSH blobs for the 5.01 firmware as when i bought the ipad apple had stop signing the 5.01 firmware. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Just hook your iPad up to your computer through USB. Go to itunes and it will be 10x easier to update. You should be able to walk yourself from there. Then jailbreak.
Before you do anything, download the free app Linpack and make sure that your iPad2 is jailbreak able. See this link (post #8) for how to check for your version number: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=77390

The iPad2,4 is not jail breakable at this time, so you'll want to make sure you don't have that version (as you can't go back to iOS 5.0.1 without blobs).

If you have any other iPad2, then you can jail break. You will have to do this in two separate processes: (1) restore the iPad to a stock iOS 5.1.1 and then (2) rejailbreak using Absinthe 2.0. But, before you start, make sure you do a complete backup, so you can put your iPad back to the way it was.

To restore/upgrade the iPad to iOS 5.1.1, follow the steps in this tutorial exactly: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=52863.

Once you have the iPad on iOS 5.1.1, you are ready to jail break with Absinthe. If you need instructions on that, re-visit the first link i posted.

After all that is done, you'll have a freshly jail broken iPad on iOS 5.1.1.

Good luck.

Thanks a lot marilyn. i have ipad 2,1 so i can jailbreak. Pls can u tell me how can i make a complete backup of my ipad? Is it through itunes or other way. I have backup cydia setting with pkgbackup but how can i backup all the apps from a piracy-enabling tweak
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Well, unfortunately for you, any help you would have gotten from me stops now.

You, sir, are a dirty pirate and so will not receive any assistance from me. Piracy and any discussion thereof, including the mention of apps that enable piracy, is not tolerated at this forum. Not only is any such discussion against our rules, piracy is illegal!

I can only hope that you come to your senses, learn to be an honest person and remove that tweak - and all the apps you stole with it - and live an thievery-free life. Don't be a pirate!

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