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IPAD 3 Restore on 5.1.1


iPF Noob
Hi All,
I am using ipad 3 (3g model), on firmware 5.1.1.
I jailbreaked it all working ok.
There is one issue, I cant see the IPad in Itunes,
I am using the latest version on Itunes.

I tried to current shsh blobs (5.1.1) from device using Tiny Umbrealla, (Version 6.0.1) but it did not work.
I also tried saving the blobs using redsn0w_win_0.9.15b3, but that did not worked either.

Is there anyway i can save these blobs.

Also is there anyway i can restore/ reset to 5.1.1.

Thanks :)
Neither TU or redsn0w will save the blobs FROM your device. That is not what they do. They save your blobs from Apple or Cydia.

Unless Cydia is storing your 5.1.1 blobs, then you are out of luck. When you open Cydia on your iPad, what does the green line at the top of the home page, which starts SHSH: say?

If it includes 5.1.1 in the list of blobs, then you can use this tutorial to restore 5.1.1 onto your device - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...5-x-ipad2-ipad3-using-redsn0w-shsh-blobs.html

If not, you are out of luck. Either stick with 5.1.1 or move to 6.0.1 without a jailbreak.

Also note, if your PC / iTunes is not detecting your iPad, this is almost always a problem with your PC and the iTunes drivers / USB / Cable, and NOT a problem with your iPad or the jailbreak. A problem with the iPad not connecting to the PC is almost never resolved by restoring the iPad in my experience.
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Hi f4780y,
Thanks for your reply.
Ok i have checked Cydia on my device and it says
SHSH :IOS 6.0.1
So does that mean i cant restore to 5.1.1?

I guess i will have to wait for 6.1 Jailbreak.

Yes. You can only get blobs from Apple when they are providing them for a particular firmware. You cannot get them after the event, so you can never get 5.1.1 blobs now. You will just have to wait where you are until a 6.0.1 jailbreak is released (you have no way to get to 6.0 either now).

But note what I said above. If your iPad is not connecting to your PC properly this is almost never anything to do with the iPad which a restore will resolve. You need to look at re-installing iTunes, checking your drivers, use a different USB, check the cable, disable anti-virus etc. This is a problem with your PC! :D
Dear f4780y,

I am also facing same sort of problem, but in my case Cydia app is there on the home screen but not functional. Now what is the way For me to know whether my blobs are saved somewhere. I have already trie some attempts of unsuccessful restore (just a revolving circle will stay and that's all). Cydia PPA is still shown on my home screen but not working, my mail is also not working,....do you have any solution in mind relating to my case. Can these blobs stuff be extracted from iTunes. Thanks
Dear f4780y,

I am also facing same sort of problem, but in my case Cydia app is there on the home screen but not functional. Now what is the way For me to know whether my blobs are saved somewhere. I have already trie some attempts of unsuccessful restore (just a revolving circle will stay and that's all). Cydia PPA is still shown on my home screen but not working, my mail is also not working,....do you have any solution in mind relating to my case. Can these blobs stuff be extracted from iTunes. Thanks

On another thread, you admitted to having piracy enabling tools on the iPad that is currently causing you these troubles. This question is a duplicate of that thread - which was closed due to piracy.

This forum does not condone piracy. Not only is piracy, and any discussion thereof, against our rules, it's theft and thus illegal.

We will not help you with this issue you brought upon yourself (most likely because of the piracy software you have installed).

However, I will give you this piece of advice: as you have messed this jail break up beyond all repair, restore that iPad to the most current iOS. This will make the iPad run properly and, the best part, remove all piracy from it.

Please do not ask about this issue again. This thread is closed.

Thanks a lot for your advice. Must say I am extremely sorry if I have unintentionally violated any forum rules. But I have seen here that almost everyone is putting questions related to issues arising from jail breaking their devices and getting replies as well. Anyways I am sharing just my observation and vow to abide by the forum rules in letter and spirit. Regards
Hasny said:
Thanks a lot for your advice. Must say I am extremely sorry if I have unintentionally violated any forum rules. But I have seen here that almost everyone is putting questions related to issues arising from jail breaking their devices and getting replies as well. Anyways I am sharing just my observation and vow to abide by the forum rules in letter and spirit. Regards

The problem was that you mentioned the name of an app which is used solely for piracy. This forum fully supports jailbreaking, and always will so long as it remains legal. What we cannot support is piracy, since this would endanger the very existence of the forum.

So long as your questions are about jailbreaking, you will get good quality help here. Mickey and f4780y are experts on the subject, as are many other members.

Thanks for making that statement. I hope the forum is of use to you long term.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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