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iPad 3 Solder Pad


iPF Noob
Hello all, I'm replacing the speaker on my iPad 3 when the connector came off and damaged a solder pad. The solder pad which is fourth from the right. I have soldering skills, microscope, etc.

My question is, does one of those copper circles connect to this 4th pin so that I can jump a fine wire back to the molex connector? If so, which copper circle is it? The one next to what appears to be a surface mount capacitor?
Anyone know how I would jump this back to the connector?


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It's possible that you may have damaged the logic board beyond repair. Here is an iFixit thread which tells you which part you need to replace the connector. I have Broken connector on logicboard for speakers - iPad 3 Wi-Fi
This is the iFixit guide for replacing the speaker. iPad 3 4G Speaker Replacement

Here's a photo of what the speaker connector is supposed to look like.
View attachment 71149

Thank you, but it's not the connector that I need, I need to know how to jump a broken solder pad, if possible. Otherwise I think I may need to buy a new logic board. I saw a thread where someone mentioned jumping a pin from the connector to one of those round, copper pads. I just don't know if this is possible, also which pad is connected to pin #4
This question is best suited for ifixit.com or even better ifixit protalk forum. Look for user Jessabethany at that site. She'll be able to steer you in the right direction.
Thank you, but it's not the connector that I need, I need to know how to jump a broken solder pad, if possible. Otherwise I think I may need to buy a new logic board. I saw a thread where someone mentioned jumping a pin from the connector to one of those round, copper pads. I just don't know if this is possible, also which pad is connected to pin #4

Did you already fix your ipad.?what did you do? Because I had the same problem like you. I damaged the solder pads.

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