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iPad 4 or nexus 10?

Get the ipad ios is bette then android.iam selling my android tablet its lagie and buggie and its on jellybean 4.2.
Plus iosn has better apps and moives nd evey thing
I never have any trouble getting content on my iPads. And I don't feel any need to interact with the file structure. I can do that on my nexus 10 but there is no real advantage to it. If I need to compile code, I use a PC.

The N10 is better for movies, but I don't really care to watch any movie on a tablet---I'd rather watch on a TV. And if I am forced to watch on a tablet, I don't really see much advantage in the little extra screen size of the n10 over the iPad. The experience on either is far below good.

To me, the biggest different is there are a LOT more useful apps for the iOS device than the android devices. It is sad that google is not doing more to address this.

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