So apple is offering you a refurb, usable product, and yet you said no? So were they supposed to give you a new one(like they had any new 1st gens left anymore?) or a new new one because your several years old device isn't working? Sorry but with no other company or electronic tech device would you expect that. I think people expect way too much from Apple because they tend to do so much more than anybody else does. I had a Sony TV that the tube went out of at literally day 91 of ownership. Would the nice people at Sony give me a new tv? Nope. Did they even offer to cover the cost of repair? Nope. Sorry, our warranty is 90 days, plain & simple, our obligation to you ends at 90 days even though one should reasonably expect a tv to last more than 90 days at a time(would we really buy a new tv every 3 months on a regular basis??!!)
If in 2 years, my iPad 3 dies and apple offers me a refurb working one, you bet I will take it! Or if they offer me a discount on a new one, you betcha. I can't get that with any other thing I buy, so I think that's pretty dang sweet!
And what other non working device can you still sell on ebay for $100-$150, 3 years after it's manufacture? Apple stuff, that's what.
Not trying to hassle you OP, just saying that we hold Apple to a higher standard and I think we need to take a step back & chill.