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iPad app that can take down notes on Powerpoint slides?

New Daddy

iPF Noob
For a recent conference, I took my iPad instead of a laptop for the first time. While it lessened the burden on my back, the overall benefit was equivocal. The most prominent problem was the lack of easy way to take down notes on powerpoint presentation materials. With a laptop, I'd just run Powerpoint and take down notes in the notes section. With an iPad, I had to convert the slides into PDF files (so the Good Reader can edit it), open it in Good reader and make notes as annotations. But making annotations with Good Reader was not as speedy and convenient as taking notes with a laptop.

With tens of thousands of apps out there, I'm suspecting there must be a better app out there that can help me out in this situation.

Any recommendation?
DocsToGo will allow you to take notes and view presenter notes. I use along with Dropbox, save my changes and then if I want to view in PowerPoint later all my notes are there.
DocsToGo will allow you to take notes and view presenter notes. I use along with Dropbox, save my changes and then if I want to view in PowerPoint later all my notes are there.

Just a note on that. You'll need the "Pro" version of Documents to Go for PowerPoint. The $10 version does not include a PowerPoint emulation. (As far as I know.) Other apps to check include QuickOffice and Office HD. Can't comment on either because I haven't used them but Docs2Go is something I've used for years, mainly successfully.
Bimjo said:
Keynote will allow you to type presenter notes below the slides. That may work for you.

i cant seem to find the presenter notes! i can find them in the settings but in order to view them its on its own screen. i want to view it with the slide and the notes below the slide... am i missing something??

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