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iPad Appears frozen & Itunes offers a restore


iPF Noob
Turned on my iPad device this evening and a picture of the white usb cable with an arrow point toward the iTunes insignia appeared on the screen. Tried to reset unit by shutting it off and turning it back on... no go! Same screen.

iTunes screen on PC only offers a partial sentence which says ... "if you are experiencing problems with your iPad you c....

That's it along with the dialogue box that offers the option to restore. Can someone help out here? What is happening. If I restore do I lose all my setups, files etc. I thought things like this were only supposed to happen to PC's.


Don't loose your nerve. It can still be a problem, only with the iTune program. I had the same problem upon upgrading to 4.2.1.
But 1st perform a RESET with the power key+home key thing.
I solved the problem finally, by connecting my iPAD to another PC with another iTUNE, and it started working again.
If you don't have another PC ( Like at work) , I would suggest re-installing iTUNE first.

It could be nothing, and it will suddenly start working.
Went to bed, only to wake up this am., with the message that iTunes has discovered an iPad in recovery mode ... you must restore. Is this my only alternative at this point? Reset didn't get it done


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